i've had an ear infection for a few days now, i had them when i was a kid so i didn't think anything of it, had an appointment with my doctor for saturday morning....
well i took a shower and was sitting at my computer...and blood starts comming out of my ear, awesome. actually it didn't hurt, it felt good, it relieved all the pressure smile.gif .
went to CVS b/c i called my mom (with the other ear) and asked her what to do, she said go to CVS and ask them what u can take till ur doctor sees u on saturday. the chick says "uhh u should go to the ER"
so i did, spend like 3 hrs there and it sucked i only saw the doctor like 5 mins.
how many of you have had an exploded ear drum? does your hearing come back?
sorry for the grammar and shit, i'm no some serious meds, not really a priority now :-p