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Everything posted by Berto

  1. don't bit if you can't buy, lmao
  2. that z rating is a speed rating. unless he is giong over 186 mph for over an hour he doesn't really need it. speed rating is the speed a tire can maintain for an hour without breaking apart b/c of heat and other factors.
  3. i suck at drum brakes, i have to do the rears on the corolla, but i don't wanna mess them up, i was wondering if there is anyone that could help me swap those out i'll buy some beer or something?
  4. how hard is it to make a post pertinent to the section you post in?
  5. its real its a hotel in one of the arab nations, i think Dubai is the city its in ? its the only 6 star hotel in the world that tennis field is usually the helicopter pad.
  6. u gonna get rull coverage on this one?
  7. too bad its slow and the video sucks. it does need boost tho.
  8. you can put a rubber vaccum niple on the wastegate actuator. use a hand pump with a pressure gauge, carefully puncture the nipple and press around the needle and pump it up to say....10 psi see if you see the actuator arm move. if not u can try to build a pressure testing system for your setup and see if you have any major boost leaks, i have pictures and stuff of my set up for testing for boost leaks if you want them.
  9. thanks everyone. it feels fine, constant ringing but i would think it'll go away, i can hear too. smile.gif
  10. u can't expect to have time constraints when fixing any car, especially RX-7's. realistically u'll be here for a week fixing the POS. didn't u already buy a first gen and sell it?
  11. i've had an ear infection for a few days now, i had them when i was a kid so i didn't think anything of it, had an appointment with my doctor for saturday morning.... well i took a shower and was sitting at my computer...and blood starts comming out of my ear, awesome. actually it didn't hurt, it felt good, it relieved all the pressure smile.gif . went to CVS b/c i called my mom (with the other ear) and asked her what to do, she said go to CVS and ask them what u can take till ur doctor sees u on saturday. the chick says "uhh u should go to the ER" so i did, spend like 3 hrs there and it sucked i only saw the doctor like 5 mins. how many of you have had an exploded ear drum? does your hearing come back? sorry for the grammar and shit, i'm no some serious meds, not really a priority now :-p
  12. u should have stayed and filed a report
  13. no its a unipod, like he said in his original posts, i'm sure he was just trying to put it in lamer terms.
  14. my dad got his EMBA there and love it, i'll probably go there when i decide to come back
  15. have you thought about an alarm system for your house, or even better yet set up some sort of trigger at the bottom of your driveway, if they want to haul out the big shit they at least need to get a vehicle close.....
  16. i'll be able to tell you tonight if i can purchase it or not.
  17. damn dude that sucks man, ur neighborhood didn't seem that bad. GL catching the fuckers.
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