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Everything posted by Berto

  1. man up with the diesel, you won't regret it.
  2. My problem is I've hosed another red top I had with a conventional charger. Doing some research I found the that 'battery tender Jr' is rated for AGM batteries, but if you read the description on their site, they charge up to 14.4 volts before settling down at 13.2, which goes against what Optima recommends on their FAQ. URGH. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190462320601&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_865wt_1165
  3. A/C power isn't a big deal. I haul a deep cycle car battery with an inverter so I can plug in my CPAP machine. I heard the new Aerobeds aren't as good. sounds like you got lucky. How many days will it go without filling up?
  4. Here is the email I just drafted up to Optima. Anyone here have experience with this? Hello, I am parking my car for the winter and was trying to determine what float charger or tender I can use on my automotive Red-top 12V battery. I looked in your FAQ section and found the information below. I went out and bought the float charger linked below. It specifies that 'It maintains a battery charge for batteries rated from 5 to 125 amp-hours, by providing a 13.2 VDC maximum output'. However in the caution it says "Do not use on gel lead-acid or AGM type batteries. What tender/float charger is approved by Optima? http://www.harborfreight.com/automatic-battery-float-charger-42292.html
  5. So I use air matresses a fair bit. Whether it be guests at the house, camping, or in the back of my truck for a drive-in movie. I had my fair share of 'Ozark' Brand (ie Walmart) that by the end of the night my butt is on the floor. Old lady doesn't complain because A) I'm heavier so she is up in the air. B) since I'm the lowest point in the mattress everything, including her rolls over me. Then I said, ok i'm going to buy a 'coleman', i've had pretty good luck with their stuff. Same deal. Stayed at her parent's house over TG and they rock the 'Aerobed' mattresses, which are pretty expensive, but that thing held solid for a good 3 nights before it needed air. All the reviews I read on them though were pretty negative. Sounds like Aerobed started out making a good product and they cheaped out as time went by. Half the time reviews can be misleading, or its just people complaining about dumb stuff. Any luck out there? does the leak free air mattress really exist?
  6. This storm is legit. Pretty good snowfall over here.
  7. http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/content_promo4?cm_mmc=ACQ-_-National--Remarketing-ShoppingCart-_-Content-_-Display&ggid=1005623704&gglb=pEYDCOCD2wEQmLPC3wM
  8. Good point. Sometimes I think a flat sales Tax would be pretty nice from the stand point of you earn tax from everyone, even people that earn money illegally. However,in a recession like we are now, when people save and are worried about spending taxes would shrink. Meh. Healthcare and education. Healthcare is a big burden on many people. So far in life I have been blessed not to have severe medical issues and I hope not to. But you can't hide from the fact that one of the leading causes of bankruptcy is from medical bills. The biggest bill I have personally had to pay was for a sleep study and a CPAP machine which ended up being around $3000. Not much but still a big chunk of change. I remember thinking to myself, at least I have money, but what about people that don't have that option or have much higher bills. People should not have to pick between their health or being able to put food on their plate. Education prices will continue to skyrocket (College). Having a public college/university of some sort would be awesome. Instill hard entrance exams to qualify, this would weed out the people that don't want to study or have lack of drive. If we want to continue to develop as a country we need to have a higher level of educated work force.
  9. Yeah I get online coupons for %20 off all the time. I usually stock up on stuff at that point. Conveniently my battery died when I had one of those coupons sitting in my inbox.
  10. Just got back from buying stuff. GF was able to land the $189 toshiba laptop at bestbuy. Some guy was selling the ticket for $25 so compared to any other deal, it was still good. I also landed the pioneer car CD player for $79. Has the Aux input and USB input. got the wrenches I was looking for at Sears and a free tool bag. Then wandered over to office max and got the wirless microsoft mouse with the 'nano' transmitter for $15 and a 8GB jump drive for $11 I'm done.
  11. +1 Free stuff I saw was spark plugs, dual gauge pod for corvette, a corvette mouse, corvette brake pads.
  12. I'm running to Sears real quick to get the $30 flex head combination wrench (gear wrench brand) Last year I bought the metric set only thinking I'd never use the standard size, turns out I would. So I'm going back to pick up a set for me and one for dad.
  13. Come visit me fools. We might be planning the V8 RX-7 meet around that time in Indy as well.
  14. Lol, my NV5600 in my Cummins is smoother than my T56. lol
  15. nice. I need a 60 psi boost gauge for my truck!
  16. Ok so instead of the weekly 'i despise my cable' thread. Lets start one for options. I have been trying to look into internet TV in the last few weeks but really have not had much luck understanding what its really like. Let me elaborate. If I were to try and find a specific show online right now, the only thing I would know how to do is go on youtube, or go to the channel's website and try to find what I want to see and half the time it would be crappy quality. How are services like Hulu and or Google TV? is it as easy as just searching for what you want to see and seeing it in all its HD glory?
  17. Where did you buy your machines? I worked at discount tire and wish I could do my tires myself.
  18. Thats just part of buying tires, not just NTB. Its like buying a car at a dealer, you just KNOW they are going to try to sell you extended warranty, scotch guard, accessories, blahblah. put your man pants on, and say NO.
  19. And it will end up costing him 50% of the value of the car
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZK0JiFJrKI Double rainbow.
  21. Just a plug for Cummins, reminder. Powerstroke and Duramax 2010's require DEF (diesel exhaust fluid aka muffler fluid) but the 2010 Cummins pick up truck does not.
  22. You went to Houston for yours huh? I drove mine from Dallas. So clean, it was worth it.
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