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Everything posted by ShoMeSomeFun

  1. I wont be back to Cbus until November, been 6 years since Ive done anything with CR hangin out in the Kroger parking lot. I might make a short stop back home in July. Just might come and see if I can remember anybody.
  2. I still have my first car and dont ever plan to sell. I just keep building it, Ive been through 6 daily drivers and could care less for almost all of them. Id say keep it, look at it as an investment. Me and my dad have built, torn down, and rebuilt my truck 3 times, currently on the 4th. I cant buy those memories, and you wont be able to rebuy the ones you have with your fox.
  3. Make sure you have a well rounded workout schedule too. Dont do bench press, curls, and tricep workouts everyday you go in there trying to boost your self esteem. All your going to do is beef up the front of your body and pull your muscles out of wack and next thing you know your having back issues, or one leg shorter than the other due to your muscles being unbalanced. Keep your weight down while lifting, have control while your lifting weight. Like today I was watching these two kids trying to push 70lb dumbells and only have like a total of six inches movement, what the hell to they think their boosting besides their self esteem? Just use common sense and you find what works for you. No one exercise Ive read works for me I take pieces here and there. Take pieces from other people in the gym.
  4. We need to ramp up our infrastructure again and cut down on the costs of shipment of goods to compete with China.
  5. I had the same thing happen to me. I went to states every year in the mile, joined military ran some more, got out stopped running. However I only put on 12 pounds before I got my ass back to the gym. I'll tell you diet has so much to do with how well your doing in your workouts. I thought I could just workout and eat like I was still 18 but that wall everyone talks about when you turn 25 happened to me and I cant eat everything I used too. So be aware of what your eating and choose the healthier option. Splurge one meal a week, max if you really need something. Your on the right path now so just start working out again. Change your workout routines every 6-8 weeks as not to plateau your results, and keep from getting bored. High reps-low weight doesnt burn much fat at all so just keep working with modest weight if you go that route. Mix in at least 20 minutes cardio 3 days a week. Personally I dont take supplements you can if you want I just dont, no personal reason. Also make sure to get rest in between your workout days, just make sure not to take too many in between your workout days. Interval training burns the most fat, and is quickest to getting back in shape. Stretch to avoid injury, once you pull a muscle your out of the gym and losing progress. Bottom line just start doing something, make it an effort to do something 3 days a week and it will become routine. eventually you'll feel great getting out of the gym especially after you get to the level as some of the heavier lifters, which takes awhile but you'll get there. Personally I made it a point to get to the gym, and now my best days are when I do go to the gym, less stress, healthier, look better, just all around happier. Just keep at it and you'll get there.
  6. Nope not until Feb 2 that is... new engine!
  7. Thanks, you seem to be the most helpful person on this between this forum and another. You have a PM.
  8. I dont know how soon or later that I will need this work done. I need a shop that will wire up a carb'ed 302 in my truck which is setup for EFI. Things to be wired distributor, altenator, etc. Or if someone you know or yourself would come to our bodyshop to do it that would be great. Currently Im running the distributor for an EFI motor but my new distributor may not be setup up for that. Last time I tried to wire up the dist. myself I ended up burning them out someway. So I need someone who knows what their doing. Also I don't want to take shortcuts with my new motor install and I also wont be able to be there for the install. Also anyone that can tune a carb correctly and teach my brother and dad how to do it properly would be great. Like I said could be awhile before I need this, just planning ahead. I pay in cash, beer or both.
  9. Im trying to run at least a 17x10 rim in the back and 17x7 in the front. I have an 8.8 L/S rearend out of an explorer being rebuilt and shortened. And my dad is starting the tub this weekend. Thats why I want a pro to figure out the proper offsets, center bore, and if I need spacers or not to clear my hubs. I asked my dad about wheel medic, and says thats all he does buisness with. Also said we get a discount there, so its a win-win situation. Thanks for all the input everyone.
  10. Where is the best place to have custom wheels fitted. I like to go to a place someone on here has used and trusts.
  11. Wish I was home and could do it that way. However Im not so might as well buy nice parts and make it easier for my dad to put it together at his shop.
  12. Yep the motor comes with water pump, harmonic balancer, mechanical fuel pump, and even the air filter on it. The water pump is standard rotation as well
  13. Yea I thought of doing that but since Im spending all this money on a 200 dollar truck I thought that I should just go ahead and get nice brackets and was looking for a place that sells the complete set of brackets and pulleys (minus the ac). Once again thanks for the input.
  14. Went ahead and bought the Power 3 engine with aluminum heads expected delivery date of feb 2. The motor is the turnkey version blue printed and balanced and dynoed for a little under $5000. Also have a 8.8 rearend on the way with an/auburn unit coming, and looking at fuel cells as well to install. Entire body is off the frame as of right now. I get pics uploaded as soon as my dad takes them.(Currently Im in Afghanistan) Now I have to find altenator/power steering brackets for a 302 from 1984 and all years below 84. Reason being is that Phoenix uses timing cases for 64-84 302s. Where is the best place to find these brackets with a nice finish to them, and is there a way I can just buy a whole kit w/everything to go on the front of the motor? Thanks.
  15. All those charges I have had except for the weapons charge. All my charges came in just waves because of the stupid non-sense I had been putting myself into... basically just partying. I dont see myself as a bad person, hell I've never had a speeding ticket, But just cause someone gets to charges doesn't me they were a bad person. Means they were an idiot and didn't get it. RIP Chris Henry
  16. Alright where do I buy it at I'll take that deal now. Just send me to a site where I can send money.
  17. I know I could just rebuild my current 302... again but I just want something brand new and with a warranty. I need to find a 302 with just around 370 hp and around $4500. And come with some type of warranty. If anyone knows where I can get started on looking for one of these I would appreciate it, my internet time is limited here in Afghanistan.
  18. What part of Afghanistan are you in, im at KAF. Im not military anymore I got out and now do contracting over here. I bounce from FOB to FOB installing satellite systems for NIPR/SIPR access.
  19. Yea the uniform is a salute to the 1954 national championship team. it will be the uniform they wore that year ('54) with new fabrics/technology, provided by nike.
  20. This just happened to me a back in September. I just went to pick up somestuff before I went to bed. Bent over picked up a five pound box and felt something pull. I lift weights everyday and couldnt believe a five pound box hurt me like that. Anyway I went to bed knowing my back was going to be sore in the morning. Woke up and was stiff as a board, couldnt bend over or anything but could walk pretty fine. I went 3 days went to the doctor, and all he said was to take some ibuprofen and take it easy. So I did went 2 more days felt good enough to play a round a golf, especially since I was drinking with a couple buddies. When I woke up on sunday I couldnt even get out of bed. It took everything I had to crawl on all fours to get to the bathroom to piss. I called in for work for the next 3 days and just laid around on the couch and didnt get up for anything unless it was the restroom. My shoulders went one way and my hips went the other. Finally I just went to a med-stop and they injected some meds into my ass and gave me some tylenol 3 with codine and some muscle relaxers for 5 days, and the problem went away within in hours and I havent had an issue since. I make sure to watch how lift things now though. Hopefully you get better and have a quick recovery like I did and not do what I did and keep putting off medical care.
  21. This is a great idea, it would lower the drop-out rate of highschoolers, hopefully increase the intelligence of those who would otherwise drop-out.
  22. I like ellipticals, my gym has a machine kind of like a elliptical but its not. Its more like to pedals for your feet poles for yours hands. When you work out on it the pedals are at a fixed 45 degree angle and you just move them up and down. That thing works the hell out of my legs. I use that or an elliptical rarely do I get on a treadmill. If you don't mind me asking what does your diet consisit of?
  23. They just recently started selling yuengling here in Georgia. A store sells six packs of it for 6.29 and 12 packs for 11.99. And the best part is that its right across the street from me and open 24 hours a day.
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