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Everything posted by ShoMeSomeFun

  1. Ive been looking for this bumper for awhile now have had deals not go through, and sites that dont produce anything for me. So does anyone have any idea where to look for one, have one, or any sites that actually carry bumpers for these cars.
  2. 2 times a week. Though on fridays its me and about 6-9 people with 2-3 bottles of yeager and some beer before the bar, and then normally about $40-$60 at the bar. On saturdays we all rotate what house were having a party and just get a keg and drain that in a couple hours. Thats it used to drink everyday for about 8 months but couldnt take it anymore just couldnt function during the day. Hangovers used to take me a couple hours to get over, now they take all day. Drugs, Ive done pretty much everything besides crack or heroin, but cut that out after getting robbed by one of buddies when I was 17. Now I smoke weed once or twice a year i
  3. Dont know I got this thing about four years ago and cant remember what exactly it was thats why i was hopin for someone to look at it, i head back to georgia on saturday, so maybe i'll have to get someone to look at it when i get back.
  4. changed the plugs and were completly black and a little black smoke when hitting the gas hard. Fuel psi was at 7-8, my regulator seems to float around I set it at 5psi but that was a year ago and my truck has been just sitting around.
  5. Had my tranny rebuilt, all leaks fixed on my ranger, now all i need left done is exhaust, and my carb tuned, anyone have any websites or general knowledge about tuning carbs. Its a holley 600 or 650 and runs rich. Any help will be appreciated if someone wants to do it cheap (cash - beer) let me know.
  6. Alright I have a freshly rebuilt C6 tranny an I havent been back to Ohio in a year, an I go to jump into my ranger drive it around the block to wash it and find out there is no reverse. I have park, and all the forward gears, i got under the truck and manually put the tranny into all the gears and there just isnt anything happening in reverse it seems like it goes into park to at same time because the wheels will move for an inch and then nothing. Any ideas, there isnt more than 20 miles on engine or tranny, just been sitting a long time.
  7. I went alot, dont know about where to stay I lived about 45 minutes from there pre-katrina, doesnt matter when u go its a fuckin party every weekend.
  8. vegas wont make the spread too big cause people betting on the games have to beat that spread and wouldnt make money
  9. Yohimbine - this stuff is like over the counter viagra for me, i tried some and i couldnt sleep, and couldnt get off for nothin.
  10. where are you all looking to buy tickets, i live 4 1/2 to 5 hours away and want to go. The cheapest I found so far for 2 people is 1100 a piece. I dont care about seating just want to go. Im already going to the Sugar bowl (dont care to go but girls boss is paying everything including hotel.) So the 1st of the year is startin to look expensive.
  11. And the hawaii in the NC game, the voters wouldnt allow it b/c of their 157 rated strength of schedule (before playing washington) -> worse than some 30 division 2 schools.
  12. Illinois is playing in the rose bowl because the rose bowl almost always will takes the winner of the big ten and pac ten cause of the contracts that the rose bowl has with these conferences, and since OSU moved up to the NC game it opened up a spot for illinois in a at-large bcs bowl.
  13. Yea i was listening to this on the radio and they said he was on probation and because of that it prohibited him from having a gun and so all he had for protection was his machete, and one of the radio host said it changed their view on owning guns. Dont know how true that is, just what i heard on the radio. It is sad though his teammates said sean talor turned it around after his daughter was born.
  14. Your advice is well taken, but what qualifies me as a noob i've been here for years just dont talk alot, for good reason - i say stupid shit and get flamed for it, but hey im havin fun
  15. Yea and I need to quit drinking.
  16. "I think I might be pregnant" Heard that one 2 times, 1 one turned out not to be mine still waiting on the second
  17. You can go and check it out on ohiostatebuckeyes.com you can see the schedule all the way up to 2011 on there.
  18. Im back into the swing of things I posted a thread little while ago about my girl getting me fat. My work out consist of; Bi's/Tri's/Abs on Monday and Thursday in chronological order -Bi's start with 30lb(progress five pounds each set but never break 50lbs) dumbell extend arm all the way out with elbow on bench and curl it, at the top of my curl I turn my hand/thumb out (towards the outside of my elbow) as far as possible, this helps form the inner head of the bicep better, i do this in 5 sets 8 reps, between bi reps I work my triceps. Remember form/control is far better than trying to push big weight to make yourself feel better. -Triceps also use a dumbell normally start with a 30lb as well. Standing up I grip the dumbell and hold it straight up and then try to touch my opposite shoulder with the dumbell and extend it back out. This is 5 sets 8 reps as well. Remember form/control is far better than trying to push big weight to make yourself feel better. -Next is abs which comes after my intial bi/tri sets. I use a roller on the ground and extend out far as possible, do that 10 times, then I use a big fat medicine ball (like a beach ball) and sit on it and I do situps on this 10times to the left/right/straight up, I use a medicine ball because it takes more control to do. Then I take a 24lb straight bar and but it across my shoulders and swing side to side, you can use a small medicine ball and hold it in front of you for the same effect. I repeat all of these 5 times. -Back to bi's I go to a bench that i can sit on and use 30lb dumbells again on I dont turn my wrist I keep my hand with the thumb positioned on top of the hand and curl the dumbell and curl it to where the dumbell side is pressed flat against my deltoid/shoulder, this works the other head of the bicep. 5 sets 8 reps. Inbetween sets I go back to tri's -Tri's I use a pulley system and a rope that I can hook to it. The weight im not sure how much it is exactly its in metric. Anyway I use 52 kg i guess, and stand and pull the rope down without moving my elbows, and extend each end or the rope out to my sides. 5 times 8 reps. Then back to abs. -Abs on my second ab workout I go to where you would do pullups. I grip the bar and just hang. I then just bring my legs/feet up to my chest/sides 5 to the left/right/center. 3 sets 15 reps. Then back to bi's -Bi's last work out, I go back to the pulley system by now im tired but I like to do three different workouts per muscle group per day. I use a small handle to hook to the pulley use 25/30 kg? weight, and move the pulley to the floor and with the top of my hand facing up i curl the weight up. 3 sets 10 rep done with bis. -Tris i grap this waist thing that can you can hook a weight to, I;ll use a 25 lb weight and ill step up on this thing where I can hold myself up and then drop down and push myself back up. 3 sets 8 reps. -Abs using a small medicing ball with handle (a 15lb dumbell will work) I swing the medicine ball/dumbell through my legs and all the way back up past my head with arms extended, then side to side, then back to side to side, i do this for five minutes or three songs. Thats is pretty much my workout on mondays after work, before work Ill run for thirty minutes. It seems like alot but its not takes me about an 1hour 30minutes to do. Use small managable weight, using the heaviest weight isnt gonna do much especially if your struggling, using bigger weight than you used to usually results in using other muscle groups to accomplish the job. Concentrate on FORM not how much you can lift. My max curl is about 115 on a bench 125 standing, and you know how many times I check how much I can curl about once every 3 months. Remember to use benches and whatever to isolate the muscle group you are trying to work. Also give a certain muscle group at least two days rest to allow the muscle group to heal. And drink plenty of water while working out and gets you through a hard workout. After 4 months of doing nothing and getting back in the saddle I started at 6'1'' 209 lbs, 34 3/4 in waist, Im down to 200 lbs and 34 inch waist, my top 4 abs clearly defined bottom two barely, definition in my muscle groups are back and arms are 15 1/2 inch around, up half inch. Triceps are back looks like a horseshoe when its flexed. Alot to write Ill write more on my other workouts if theres any intrest. All in all I feel good. I takes alot to get motivated and do it but after a couple weeks of forcing yourself to do it and stop finding bullshit excuses or cop outs to not work out that day(believe me I still do it), you get it into a routine and feel like you have to work out.
  19. C-bus doesnt suck, cant wait to move back the only places that i say top it that ive lived at is new orleans before Katrina, and san antonio. When you live somewhere else for a while you realize ohio wasnt bad at all. Right now living below Atlanta and its good, right now hang out with this group of brazilian girls that need green cards so they'll do anything and treat you like a king. Alot gay people in ATL too though not my thing.
  20. platonic friend = dick in glass break in case of emergency <-Thats what ive learned over the years by being a shoulder to cry on, now i just say whats on my mind and no one asks me for advice anymore.
  21. That off color behing the doors is only the only thing that bothers me, but if it showed up in my driveway I wouldnt complain
  22. Maybe the guy fucked up on mixing the paint I know thats how I ruined a couple paint jobs in my early days of learning. Id mix it wrong sometimes I knew, but Id hope it be close enough and hope my dad or customer wouldnt see it. Shady I know but I was 17 and had no patience, and guess what never got away with it. Plus its hard to guess how much to lighten the paint due the paint on the car being slightly faded but thats what the colored cards are for, thats why its not always easy to just go by paint codes unless your really good at blending the paint into the car (im not)
  23. Is the 8.8 open or ls, and what gear ratio is it? And does have disc or drums for brakes
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