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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Who do we have that can throw the ball to them... It is not Braxton...
  2. In relation to his job - Disclaimer. I am not in the camp that he is being suppressed, I am in the camp that what he said his boss's didn't like, and there was a repercussion for that...
  3. Our park rangers are tougher on hunters then they are illegal immigrants. LOLZ
  4. Spot on. Free speech gives you the right to speak, however it does not give a pass on what was said.
  5. guru graphixs - I ride bikes with the owner
  6. kid was a one of those "wacky" socialists... Wait
  7. He says, listen...how about a 50k signing bonus...
  8. Their outfits crack me up, they are riding flat pedals with "mock" road shoes. I cant believe those carbon wheels take that abuse...I would have though they would explode, and that colnago bike is oh...10k? Pretty slick marketing. Oh and those are some of the best bike handlers, EVER.
  9. The best thing to happen is SEC loose, you're right about that. FSU hanging a blow out would be swell. Although pundits will certainly measure some means of acclaiming how great Auburn is (and the SEC)... Tallahassee got their boosters back on blast, they were tired of being irreverent for a decade and had to bolster their investments. Their recruiting is back on track that is unfortunate for the rest of us, however good to help balance the south. Urban is recruiting just fine, and by the numbers he has 17 commits and is sitting in 6th, he will be JUST fine. Odds on the defense being better next year? Survey says, guaranteed. No hyde is blow but E-Z-E will be good, very good.
  10. I have a 12" sliding dewalt and use it quite a bit, no issues, and its solid construction, heavy and the mitre gauges are pretty accurate! get the dewalt.
  11. Would you rather - Alabama? Stanford? Oregon? Missouri? Oklahoma State? Baylor? UCF? (Okay here) I would prefer a NON sec team as to avoid the pitfalls of the potential in loosing to the super conference. The acc on the flip side is weak, like the B1G, so they are on our level. But on that list, I think we loose to all those teams, some in shoot outs, some in blow outs. So from my perspective Clemson is the best case for us.
  12. Clemson is the best match up we could have hoped for. I didnt watch one second of the MSU game, it was a trap game, I felt that...and I had to be in a wedding, and I consumed enough booze to not even remember it was on the TV. Lets move on...Here is where I am concerned.... http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/recruiting/teamrank/2014/all/all So far so good, with 17 commits we are in a good position with this class, this is were we need to focus for the next month now. The Clemson game is all well and good, however its just semantics of playing two over rated teams in average conferences. We clearly need more talent, and specially at linebacker, Wide out, Safety/Secondary... THIN THIN THIN in these places...Apparently the "freshmen" play rule for Eli Applie, Burrows, Bell...doesnt apply or they are not good enough yet... Braxton should stay, he needs to have some passing game before the bigs...right now he is ala TP but a lot smaller.
  13. I would estimate after yours :lolguy:
  14. Never would have guessed you would go all in! Cool What is Stucky doing with his Red Truck, IPS ever start working on it again?
  15. He is likely pulling a Chip Kelly "ducking" out before any heat comes down around the program...Because I am positive there is about 1000000 rule violations and payments going on down there.
  16. I hate to play devils advocate...or historian...But didn't "we" (me and OSU fans) predict the same thing against Urbans Florida team in the NCG or years past? With our Hesiman QB and very potent offense. I believe we scored a whooping single offensive touchdown...Similarities maybe? That reasonably could happen again, and or it could go the way as mentioned by you and the Doctor.
  17. If I am understanding this correctly, those are 18 way adjustable shocks, meant to replace the factory shocks/struts and use in conjunction with a spring combo. They have a note about including springs, but obviously you are trying to avoid this. Mechanically speaking is those are designed to work with a factory replacement spring then your factory springs would "work"... But as just mentioned 18 way adjustable shocks seem...pushing the rules of the SCCA class you may be after...I could be wrong.
  18. Good ole Nick Satan... Poor John Cooper...More talent in his tenure went to waste...
  19. 100% Correct you would want to put a 6 mill poly down for a Vapor Barrier, then engineered sub flooring like this http://www.homedepot.ca/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/catalog/52736_4.jpg] or standard sub flooring nailed to the concrete (I would do the engineered although it is slightly more expensive), then your under lament then nail the flooring to it.
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