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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Jump jive .... Wrong. Wisky responds !!! Eat it Pat Forde
  2. Auburn has no answer to the run game. Should have called urban.
  3. Espn (Adam Schefter) is now reporting Meeeeshigan is introducing Jim Harbaugh on Tuesday as their new head coach. While this seems to have been a forgone conclusion over the past 48 hours, its good to hear it being reported now.
  4. Watched it. Fairly funny, entertaining. Certainly think it is funny they got hacked over the movie though.
  5. Hahahaha - yes it is overwhelming, until to you find your actionable insights. Dont take to much stock in it early on, however using this will help you minimally monitor your traffic. Meaning you could see how many folks really come from XYZ marketing campaign and where they came from where they exited, so on and so forth, enabling you to optimize your page.
  6. Do that certainly - What I am also noting is that you can create the "link" to your site as the "location" of the image - so folks when they just touch the image that pops up, and it also is then tracked. Simple easy way to populate traffic sessions essentially. If you want to check out some of ken blocks or national geographic images for example, many times they use this "idea". The whole check the link in profile business is old school. You need to have extra circular sources for traffic hits, this being one. And what better way then leveraging people that already seem to like "you/tacpack". EDIT : Did your web site designer code your site for google analytics? Personally I am not a big proponent of adwords - seems now there are better methods to start with and "free" while you begin your venture, think like your infant, roll, then crawl, then walk, ect. Obviously there are other concepts like your's in other industries, Jack Box, Dog Box, Record boxes ect. I always like to see how they choose to advertise and see where I feel they fall short; or where I could use and idea they had in my space. You can get some data from Adobe and IBM as well on many of these sites, from who and where they are getting their users. Some of this data will come with a price however it can be enlightening if you find you're not happy with traction. My .02 aside from SEO type stuff, which can be endless... Is to create a medium of experience and interaction for tac packs. Define the experience on how you envision it, however I get this vibe from the other subscription box ideas. Experience is what will renew subscriptions, not just whats in the box.
  7. Bob like everyone already mentioned, there is no trick to it any more. You can pay the adword campaigns if you like, or adsense, or gmail marketing, or framesense, ect ect. I would suggest, although FB sucks for gun stuff, looking to advertise on FB. Especially if you are trying to track video marketing/ source conversions. Google doesnt do quite as nice of a job here, and additionally on FB they can show you data on conversions from FB mobile to later yielded PC use conversions. Currently if you are not seeking to pay for performance, like the ad campaigns mentioned, then you just need to do as others mentioned. Drive content. GOOD content. Make a video series where buyers can document their pacs maybe, make some video shorts of pacs in actions, just general tac pack news blog picturesque stuff. You have a lot of IG followers, take the location as your website so it shows more content driven though trending users. Sometimes it can seem redundant and annoying to have to create so much media to drive web page traffic. Really I think with you could be come a industry "hot spot" which collects all this information and opinion, demos, trade shows, fun facts, use-age, interviews, feedback ect ect, which then drives your buyers to know what you are dealing with and potentially what cool unique "surprise items" they could get being tac pac subscribers. Finally my .02 // drive home simplicity for the buyer on your site. Make ordering a tac pack or signing up a 2 step process at most if possible, and optimize this for all browsers, IE Chrome Firefox Safari and most importantly mobile android and mobile safari platforms. Place the buyers where they need to be easily and effectively. this will get you a lot of user sessions and buy through clicks in the 10-25% range!
  8. What I have always found is extremely interesting from that game is the pure amount of talent on both sides, which went pro. Its insane 86% of the starters in that game were drafted...I wonder if that is the highest percentage to date. "The amount of future NFL talent that played in the game is considered highly exceptional.[9] Of the 43 players who started in the game (OSU's Chris Gamble started on both offense and defense), 37 of them were eventually NFL draft picks (including 18 first-rounders). Of the 100 players who played in the game, 58 went on to play in the NFL."
  9. With the money Luke makes, he is likely not going to go anywhere...which is fine by me, i like him on the defensive side of the ball. Herman will be a loss, but really coaching is second to recruiting, and as long as the recruiting stays up, then we will be just fine.
  10. Tom Herman interviewed with Tulsa...
  11. kinda cool - woodys last chalkboard session
  12. Im in on CYBR - and ENB for some longer holds... They seems to be doing fairly well, CYBR is up up up right now...We need more cyber crimes lol ENB is my long term oil supply play, I believe it will hold on. KMI is also a nice play from my searching especially while oil is priced so low. Anyone else hold these stocks?
  13. My predictions for the B1g... Iowa vs. Tennessee - loss Wisconsin vs. Auburn - loss (however if they can pull their head out of their ass and play like they can , MAYBE) Minnesota vs. Missouri - victory Mich. St. vs. Baylor - victory Maryland vs. Stanford - eh loss Nebraska vs. USC - loss Boston College vs. Penn St. - toss up prolly a loss Rutgers vs. North Carolina - loss Illinois vs. La. Tech - toss up , victory OSU - Tide - ehhh I think the line from Vegas says it all already... Im not really feeling that great about the over all chances of the conference. Several of the westeren games are essentially home games..USC and Stanford. Nebraska is not going to beat USC, nope. Iowa...maybe but prolly not. Wisconsin, has a good team, however Auburns offense is pretty solid, I would like to see them win. MSU is going to be baylor, mark it down. Maryland, see location. PSU, maybe, their offense is bad though...Rutgers, they suck but so does UNC, and Illinois...who knows. Really I think its funny you have 4 SEC v B1g match ups...The B1g better show up and at least go .500 there. If they can go slightly over .500 in bowl games that would at least be enough to take the steam off the flaming pile of crap the B1g has been.
  14. Rumor has it from Colin Coherd - Cliffs are apparently the name that is going to be announced any time now is not on ANY of the vegas odds lists. BUT apparenlty it is a good fit according to Colin... and is a current coach. http://michigan.247sports.com/Bolt/Colin-Cowherd-teases-secret-Michigan-HC-candidate-33543954 Aside from that, wtf is Nebraska thinking with a 61 year coach, who really isnt all the rave, and is 2-9 this year...Really do not understand that hire if there ambitions are as high as they say. They maybe a top 15 program, but that is about it now-a-days.
  15. Specifically with Vipers I have some experience in salvage vintages. I worked with a close friend whom bought two salvage vipers. Both I worked on and fixed the small things that really didnt help their value, aka making them "more factory". Both cars were bought at around 35-45% of retail. Both were driven and then sold approximately a year later, for the same money purchased on the early model, and for 1500 MORE on the later. (factor in about 10% invested into each cars purchased price, one was a 00 car at 18k, and the other a car identical to the listing above for 32k) All in all my friend essentially broke even / lost a little. However he drove the shit out of them and enjoyed them while he had them. Also both sold quickly and painlessly. Salvage vipers seem to move quickly, when priced in a spectrum that normal joes can afford. Everyone wants and exotic with out paying the price, so you have a pretty good pool to sell to.
  16. Perhaps...It does period. It happens across the country yes, but its obviously more so in the south due to as mentioned over signing. Look at the U when they were "good" and all the extra circulars happening...They were paying great benefits to players whom were rated really highly, and many of them turned out. In other words you increase your pool from 3-4 stars and make the pool 4-5 star guys, and get more of them by recruiting the "benefits" of X university then obviously your chances go up. The autograph gate is comical...and shows really how pathetic OSU's admin really are. The amount of players whom "sold" their signature down south is comical, TP got stick for doing what was prevalent and rabid in the south, Ingram and Richardson admitted to as much. Look at what Stephen Garcia said of Clowney and how much he "made" at South Carolina...He claims Clowney and others were making 100k a year there...pretty wild. It is not exclusive to the south, however it seems they do it "better". Over signing obviously helps them as well, as you tend to minimize your recruiting duds, although OSU is running off a few guys this year as we are slightly over signed...But if you want to play at that level of the sec and there "reloading" it is the only way to compete. It is a shame really when you look at what is does to some kids. Ole Cardale was practicing yesterday all off by himself...He is motivated, hopefully he turns that into something great this weekend!
  17. Satan pays his players the best salaries there is no doubt about that!
  18. Tyvis Powell is a good kid, but not a prime time safety. He has really made some big errors, consistently. Vonn Bell is a good safety, in pass coverage, not the typical OSU run stopping safety we have seen in the past. I am not certain its all scheme (but a valid point), I think there is a talent gap there, maybe more so. I really have NO concerns with Stauve, although we seem to make the best of any QB's career against us. I think we need to go Dantonio on Wisky and put the CB's on their islands and make their role players beat us, not MG3. We really are going to have to pack the box to stop this run game, Ash will have to scheme a better/ or risky solution to stop the run.
  19. It safe to say the playoff is gone for us, unless 2 of the top 5 loose and we beat wisky. So really is it possible our defense learns to stop the run in a week? Chris Ash was brought in to be the man, and yet our run defense got worse; the pass defense is marginally better. His job review is slightly on the line this week IMO. Before JTB got injured I was skeptical of this teams defense...Can we rely on them? I am okay with OSU's offensive chances, keep Cardales throws to 1-2 checks throw, quick and on time spot throws, make those talented receivers be the stars. Run, run, and run some more, and keep it mixed up. I think the offense can hold its own, although Wiskys defense is tough. FSU will struggle with GA tech, but I doubt JW throws four picks again... toss up Oregon's kyrpotnite is that 3-3-5 defense...Arizona has a chance. Still ducks win Mizzou - I hate to tell them but they are going to get roll'd-tide. Baylor and TCU are apparent to get the nod above OSU, the ONLY way we jump either is with a decisive victory...and then a loss or TWO would be great from 1-5!
  20. So now we have an answer on Spence...That dream is over. Shame he couldn't put the X down to just have a clean pee test when they warned him he would get tested. Oh well it is nice to see the B1G have some dignity, the SEC would have had him playing week two. As for the CFPC - they slipped last night and made clear that they are scoring these teams in a vacuum. EG - anyone that played LSU got to be judged as beating a top 15 team, think MSU...So when MSU has only one win against the current top 25...The committee sees them actually as having 3 or 4 wins against top 25...They take that historical ranking at the time the game was played into effect...In other words they can cook the books... Also what the fuck are style points (I know what they are)...that is the single most BS discretionary marker... EG 2003 OSU team. Style points have been proven time and again to just be a talking point, nothing of a large merit... Aside from this of course "quality losses", that is another good one; or should I say "quality loss at the time they played"...cough cough SEC I think they can get ride of this committee and just force each conference to have a championship game, no championship game, no entry. Then they all get to then play each other in a playoff, no more voting, lobbying, gerrymandering, ect. The top team from each conferences then goes at it. I realize the bowls do not want this, but frankly fuck them. I am over 6-6 teams playing in bowl games. NO ONE CARES, if you do punch yourself unconscious.
  21. double got me - But on that note muck fichigan
  22. http://ohiostate.247sports.com/Article/Meyer-This-is-not-another-game-this-is-The-Game-33228572
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