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Everything posted by Browning

  1. I wouldn't put a willow any where near the house. Look into their root systems. They're nuts. I know nothing about the following site but it might give you some good examples, how they grow, etc to help narrow your choices. You're zone 6 if you didn't know. Use to be 5 but they're changed all of that recently http://www.fast-growing-trees.com/PrivacyTrees.htm
  2. lol that's awesome and wasn't expecting it
  3. I'd try here first http://www.reddit.com/r/picrequests
  4. I wish you guys well and once again, congrats
  5. oh and prepare to have your mind blown. Child birth is fucking wild. BTW avoid the kiwi omni cup vacuum they call it for sucking a kid out by his head. It left my sons head all fucked up. He rocked a baseball sized wound for quite a while because of it and still has a big scar. thankfully you can't see it now that he's got hair lol
  6. Congrats. Becoming a dad is by far the best thing to ever happen to me. I don't really buy the whole women become evil while pregnant thing. It's just an excuse as far as I am concerned. Maybe it was only mine that didn't? Pointers from me: Don't cheap out on a car seat. Get an extra base if you have multiple vehicles. Stir bottles instead of shaking. Reduces bubbles and that means less gas and cranky baby. Also, bottle warmers are a waste of time imo. Hated them. Pictures. Get tons of pictures of both parents and baby. You never know what may or may not happen. I lost my father at age 3 and don't have many. My son just turned 2 and has 100's of pics already of all of us together and random moments around the house of him and I and him and his mother. If something happens to me or her he's got a ton to look back on. Excessive perhaps but only few know the feelings and reasons why. Get the diapers with the piss line. Fucking loved those things. Pick up one of those thermometers that read temps fast. Like the forehead swiping ones. Checking a babies temp can be a pain in the ass, no pun intended. Rotate sleep patterns any chance you get. Those first 3 months can be rough. Crying, spitting up, baby not sleeping throughout the night yet, etc. It gets better after those first 3. Go get a nice baby carrier that straps the baby to your chest. Once they're supporting their head good they come in handy. Carrying a car seat every where gets old real fast. Avoid a pacifier if you can. We caved and ended up giving him one early one. It went when the bottles went at 12 months. My sisters daughter is over 2 and still has one. Ridiculous. I'll stop there as I can go on and on. Hang on and enjoy the ride man. It's awesome. Parenting is also fairly easy and a great feeling. You're going to learn so many things. Not really how so many people fuck it up and/or don't really give a shit. I've been stay at home dad since he was born and my days are spent teaching him things, watching cartoons and playing hot wheels. We're best buds. Right now he's across the room laughing his ass off while jumping in his 7/5' foot indoor trampoline lol. Sadly my online income has pretty much stopped because I lack interest in it these days so the stay home thing won't last much longer.
  7. Sorry for your loss. That old picture is cool. ever thought about having it cleaned up and restored?
  8. Let's just say they're both idiots and call it a day
  9. That is the reason I relocated the neighbors dog. I like to think I avoided a child to be beaten, or worse. Fuck dogs who are aggressive for absolutely no reason. As stated though, it's a bit different situation that TS's
  10. Free Kitten. Not just any kitten, but THE kitten. She's got potential to grow into the best damn cat in the world. Why would I say such a thing? Because her mother is currently the title holder for best damn cat in the world. This kitten is just as crazy and cute as her mom, Dita, when we got her as a kitten. She also looks exactly like her. Does she have superpowers? Possibly. My guess is she has yet to find out what those powers are and how to put them to good use. Does she kill rodents or humans? Not yet, but with a little training she could make a nice assassin. Her mother is about as deadly as a cat can get. Mice, moles, birds, you name it she's probably killed it. Why would I give such an awesome kitten away? There's only room for one assassin cat in this house. Having two would bring their work to a halt. An out of work assassin cat is not a happy cat. With the cold season on its way, the mice are already plotting to squat in your basement, attic or where ever else that fucked up mice like to hide at. Act now before it's too late! What about her father? Her father is an "on the road" assassin. Sort of a drifter if you will. He's came back twice since planting his seed. We really don't know much about him except he's huge, orange and a bit rough looking. He looks like a mean son of a bitch. What's her name? She doesn't have a name yet. Our 2 year old simple calls her baby Dita. I'm sure you can come up with a cute name to hide her inner evil from strangers, family, and those pesky mice to avoid them assuming she's all fluff and no meow. She was born June 26th. She's ready for assassin camp. So what are you waiting for? No interest in owning the current second best damn cat in the world? Do not be afraid. She's harmless to those who love her. http://i.imgur.com/reJqUJH.jpg
  11. Thanks Rocky. Hopefully the little parts guy in town carries something that will work well
  12. I'll have to swing down to the auto parts store and grab some. What's difference? I mean what would happen if one used it instead? Does it not provide the proper amount of lube or?
  13. It's the only grease I have on hand. I would think it should work but most of you fella's know more so what do you think?
  14. http://dr1ve.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/laughing.gif?w=430&h=215
  15. Same thing I done with a dog in a similar situation. Relocate that bitch while they're not paying attention. Granting the dog I am referring to was pretty aggressive and was a bit of a neighborhood menace. After countless chats with the owner and nothing being done I loaded him and dropped him off a few miles away at the local reservoir. Not a single fuck was given.
  16. Dexter(minus season 3) and Boardwalk Emire have been great. Roy Donovan is developing into a fantastic show in my opinion as well.
  17. Never used one but wouldn't I be in the same boat as I am now and not able to see the sources? I can see drips, and it running down the block but that's it
  18. I guess what I want to is for those techs who have an issue with leaks like this on the 3.8 in the fords, what is the usual cause? Not really excited about working on a van with limited access and I hate to take the upper intake off for no reason although I have a hunch it would help me narrow it down
  19. 3.8 Have a coolant leak that seems to only leak while the engine is running. At first I assumed water pump because of the location but it's definitely not coming from under the pump, where most weep holes are found, correct? From what I can tell it's above the waterpump, one of the upper corners is wet right at the block(timing cover?) as if that's just the location is chose as its path. You can't really see much on these engines and it's a pita to pinpoint it. I have read lower intake gasket, timing cover and a tube that runs under the upper intake are all common areas for coolant leaks. How would you narrow this down when you can't see much of anything?
  20. I will not buy a vehicle with a rebuilt title that is more than $1000. Treat them as beaters you plan to drive until it needs scrapped and you have no worries.
  21. found the suv https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151363855064364&set=a.151276014363.97700.63564314363&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
  22. BREAKING NEWS: Police have Bethel Rd. blocked at Dierker Rd. in NW Columbus after a driver hit a motorcycle and fled the scene. Officers are searching for a gold SUV. We're working to gather additional information. We'll have more on ABC 6 News at 11pm. Seems to be happening a lot. They posted a pic but you can't much from it https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151363808874364&set=a.151276014363.97700.63564314363&type=1&relevant_count=1
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