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Everything posted by Browning

  1. destroyed? You're nuts. If the younger guys were able to take them, it definitely wouldn't be some easy task like you assume it would be.
  2. undereducated is what the newer teachers are. Work on that then their pay.
  3. Jordan and a couple more old timers should play Lebron, Kobe and another in a game of 3 on 3. It would be interesting seeing the old guys school the younger ones
  4. http://streamallthis.me/watch/sons-of-anarchy/
  5. http://i.imgur.com/Dg8chyp.gif
  6. Those are neat. A few of those look like real photos that had a few effects added to them
  7. I can't believe it's not illegal for them ride in packs like that anyways. In my experience, when they ride in packs they ride like douchebags who assume they own the road. Happens all the time out here during poker runs and such. Drunken idiots riding bar to bar, crossing lanes, pulling out in front of folks, etc. It's the large groups giving bikers a bad name. I am extremely cautious when I am driving near a motorcycle, but for some reason when it's a large group it makes me nervous. They're so unpredictable. Just recently on route 13 out here I was was following 3 sports bikes, leaving a good 5 car distance between them and my car. We were all cruising 60mph. When out of no where a wild pack of 10-12 upper aged morons on their scooters decide to ride my ass and started passing me on blind corners. Then they started riding super close to the sport bikes and passing them, causing one to go over the white and damn near off the road.
  8. Browning

    flea issues

    yes make sure it's food grade. If you are worried sprinkle a bunch down and leave for an hour or two. Vacuum that night and repeat the next day or two. Bombs are junk. And don't forget under the cushions and such
  9. That sucks. I've got no experience with one in "attack" mode. Just the normal barking, hair raised, etc. That alone is enough to make you nervous.
  10. Scary situation. I have a fear of letting my 2 year old around dogs I don't know. I am aware that any dog can bite but dogs I don't know worry me the most. I've found they'll, in my experience, turn around and leave you alone with a deep "Get out of here" or something similar. I try to keep away from all dogs while out and about but it's a pain in the ass when he sees a "puppy" as he calls them all and wants to pet them every time. lol
  11. Paul, wasn't your kid just born recently? I felt the same way when my son was born and was ready to get it snipped. Well, I didn't and here lately I've been liking the idea of having another. Might want to hold off man. You might change your mind in a couple of years.
  12. yep done it many times. Some times it last for a long time and sometimes it'll need replaced in a year or two. That was using regular high pressure line from a parts store and double clamping each end. Edit-Those clamps above are cool and I'd imagine way better than the regular hose clamps I always used
  13. You're the one assuming. Most illegal immigrants speak little or no English.
  14. I really have a thing for Henry J's. Hotlinking so hope it works. http://www.barrett-jackson.com/staging/carlist/items/Fullsize/Cars/45056/45056_Side_Profile_Web.jpg One setup like this would be a dream http://cdn.speednik.com/files/2013/03/142.jpg
  15. It was already done when I bought it and it wasn't the prettiest truck so it wasn't a huge deal. Plus I'm in the country so the odds are a little slimmer of something happening so I didn't really care. At the time I had a box with 3 10's in it but you had to remove a bucket seat in order to get it out. lol
  16. you're welcome. Might also be a good idea to stop into a local nursery and ask some questions.
  17. pilot's license would be nice to have. Don't meet many folks who can they say they're qualified to fly a plane.
  18. I hated having shaved doors on an s15 I had. I didn't have the emergency latch and not too long after I got it the poppers quit working. From then on I just left the window cracked since I had the plastic wind deflectors and a bent coat hanger in the bed lol.
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