Went to DeVRY U for about 2yrs for Electronics Engineering, got bored with it, quit. Started working at Pizza Hut as a crew member and just worked my way up. I make around 30k now on salary as an AGM, but am about to get my own restaurant which will bump me up to about 40k + bonuses. if i stick with it long enough i could move up to be an Area Coach and make like 70k... a job even now im very capable of doing, if i can manage to behave myself long enough lol. Its not necessarily a job that i love to go to, but i do GET to go to it, and when i go to it, i run the hell out of it. Everyday i see 50 poor bastards that dont even have jobs... college or not, i got into the right business. I have a nice car, live in a nice apt, and have plenty of cash to buy all kinds of shit i dont really need. College just wasnt for me. My little sister is going to OU for 5yrs to be a teacher, and will come put making less than i do now after only 3years and change in the restaurant. Im too into working with my hands and actully labor... only way id go back is to learn welding and fabrication... other than that... its just not my gig.