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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. T Rex

    Got Turbo?

    WTF?! Thats fucking baiting in a half. There is a line of decency and I think you crossed that, Slowica. If he is serious about his Dad then you deserve to be banned for such a fucking retarded comment like that. Got Turbo... I realize that you are trying to defend yourself but you need to stop. Just go to bed or something 'cause if you do enjoy being on this board you are ruining a lot of good chances to be apart of this community.
  2. Lmao... Mark.. you need to get out of the gay threads man... its just to easy... 79%!!
  3. T Rex

    legal question?

    Let me make sure of what you are saying... You get into an arguement she gets your smashes your hand in the door, you get your hand free at the same time you knock her off balance and she falls? Then her mother calls the Police because she thinks you are beating her? If she testifies in your favor, ie: saying "He never hit me or anything like that." You could, in all fairness, sue her mother for slander. You now have a criminal record that has no justification and you had spent a night in jail, I don't think anybody would like that. Thats some fucked up shit man, sorry to hear about it Edit: Im not a lawyer in any sense of the word and I am not implying that you should sue her. It just made sense in my head when I read it. I would sue somebody for giving me a record unfairly.
  4. T Rex

    New Car: Poll

    And the purpose of this car is to just get you through College? If thats the case get a car with some doors and a backseat. I am really jealous right now... Its really hard to not flame you .
  5. I disagree. Certain "Minorities" (ie: Women and African Americanes) fought for YEARS to earn the right just to vote. Me being a white male in those times just had that right. I don't think its fair to just not vote. I think its more important to educate americans about the canidates then spouting off about how they are dumb and shouldn't vote. I realize Andy Rooney is a very influencial(sp) person and he does have some good points. But instead of ranting, which is the easy way out, why not take sometime to go over some points on both canidates? We are so eger to point out flaws that we forget that we, as americans, can actually work to fix a problem. The more I think about it the more it upsets me, people in America are have turned into a bunch of idoits. Raised by a TV, raised on commericals that tell them ED can be fixed by a pill and not to worry about a loose stool or heart failure. Fuck that. Eduation is the key, no matter how you get it. It is your right and DUTY as an american citizen to learn about the canidates, get off your ass, stop watching that Victoria Secret commerical in hopes of actually getting an erection, and go vote. Edit: Not to turn this into a political thread but to add some information. Did you guys realize that there might be up to 4 Supreme Court Justices retiring this term? Vote wisely.
  6. I'll actually be in Vegas the 6th through the 10th, visiting my girlfriend. Go eat up top of the Stratosphere(sp), Its about 20 bucks a plate but you can see everything in Vegas. Goto www.vegas.com for a lot of other informations! smile.gif
  7. Im so sorry . My dog just got her first roung of heartworm pills. I hope they work as well
  8. Its actually, orginally, a French movie. It has a Puegot 405 (which apparently in France you can use your personal car as a taxi) and two Mercedes. By watching the previews it looks like the kept it around the same storyline as well. The only reason I know this is because Aaron (Beer Guy) bought the orginal about 3-4 years ago.
  9. Those apex seals could destroy an entire city... Edit: I don't see them in there though, probably for safety reasons
  10. I've got a walbro 255 standard pressure intank fuel pump for ya
  11. Are you threating people now?
  12. Maybe its because some of us got enough attention from Mommy and Daddy and don't need to "show off" our cars. Cause we haven't seen many "done up" civics before. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  13. Shanes World porn = Best Ever... Has anybody else seen their videos??
  14. No just tires, sorry. You've got a good 70% of treadlife.
  15. Pm Tank or message him on aim: Slamed150 He does excellent work, beautiful work... http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/parts/allwheels3.JPG (I need to clean them )
  16. You're right. I couldn't remember exactly.
  17. Don't dismiss Marshall as a POS team. They have won the Mac10 a few years running now. As far as the coaches, Im not sure if they have coached against each other or not. Remeber Tressel is from Akron which *was* in the same Division as Marshall. They did their homework, its just a damn shame the QB for OSU couldn't put more points on the board. ND has a *history* (read: not since '93) of being a good team. Maybe this year they will suprise you.
  18. T Rex


    blow torch, potato chips, a long rod, scotch tape (only scotch), some legos, duct tape, and a piece of gum. What we really need is a nametag... then we would really have something to work with...
  19. and you have contributed a tomb of knowledge to every politcal thread we've had as well. I guess I need to vote for Bush now!
  20. If it where me and I still had a daily, Id build a Nova II, 67 Mustang, or a 70 Charger. $20k is just about perfect for any one of those projects. Now if you are looking for something new and you don't have to put money into it, C5 or a GTO (which neither one are on your list ). What are YOU looking for is the question...
  21. black smoke = running rich... Im guessing it was a spark problem?
  22. T Rex

    Music Quiz

    Blah... 80's music is for dorks Classic Rock is where its at. Edit: No Foreigner jokes....
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