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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. NTHER91


    call clark he knows a good one so i hear
  2. they are very good actually thats what im useing
  3. i need to barrow that to take my test on lol
  4. i think adam is gettign a chubby after seeing that (lumberjack)
  5. I wouldnt mind if the crap jokes were funny, but they are not. They arnt even original, at least be that.
  6. its got to be franklin if its not cpd or valley view i live right there guess i could go speeding around to see lol
  7. NTHER91

    Bush on Immigration

    yes they do the jobs that uppity americans dont want to do. yes they work like 4 jobs. yes they sleep 12 to a double bed. yes they drink mucho cerveza. yet as much as they make a yr they do contribute to the economy alot beer wine hookers. on the other hand they are like a virus (matrix) they consume their own contry so they move to the "land of promise" I personally think we need to cure (or at least help) our own problems before we take on another nations own set. We shoudl be like other contries you have to bring your job or bussines, or already have one set up for you to live in the country, you can visit but its very temp and you cant work while visiting. yes there are other ways around it (Berto)
  8. A.) you know they have donuts and chocolate milk B.) you can run faster indoors with your hobbit feet
  9. with a bat EAT SOMEHTING WOMAN
  10. http://media.putfile.com/Delaware-Jegs-Week-Burnout
  11. hell ill send you a check i thought you wanted money A.) hes not my boy i dont even know him b.) i dont care how fast you say your car is (i respect your ability, just not the way you present yourself) c.) go crap in someone elses thread, not everyone on here has to talk about you, if you wernt picked up enough as a kid ill be glad to carry you around for a night when you come down here or i/cr comes up (if nothing else it would be funny)
  12. http://www.bettydodson.com/sex41sexarta.htm NWS if your bitching here you have this
  13. you must smell like feet wraped in leathery burnt bacon BWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  14. you know your right spleep is funny thats a new leet word lol why do you care if im spraying the busa
  15. yes and since you live in the center of the universe and everything revolves around you, it rain all over the planet (its not possible it didnt rain everywhere) i would also like to see vid of you sliding in your car on its side in the rain tryign to break the 12 sec barrier
  16. lol just saw his sig BUSA *@# he wishes ... spray!!?? whatever you need to spleep at night
  17. ill be there with the Busa and i got some guys that are wanting to get some high speed footage with the new camera mount. Who wants to see what 200mph looks like? all in all there should be like 5 of us (that will be able to keep up)
  18. ^^^ lol he such a wealth of useless well, shit and his attitude fucking sucks
  19. are you useing the mafia??
  20. columbus disel and there is another one if you look in the phone book its a run down shop but hte guy knows his shit its in the ghetto if i remember right
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