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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. NTHER91

    Eagles thurs 12th

    i dont even know where you live? and im an idiot "car pull"???? im fired
  2. we will see clark and mark i think i can push mine faster bt i one more big step closer to putting the motor in i bought heads yesterday mmmmmmmmmm
  3. NTHER91

    Eagles thurs 12th

    maybe in adam if you want to car pull call me or clark for that matter
  4. Clark, you dont really consider a neon a mopar do you ???
  5. Cobra due to the shear power fuel system upgrades and a sullivan intake with either an hp or helion kit they are making 800+ power nuff said
  6. "Ohio is the heart of it all" So arn't we all winners?
  7. berto, eric and i were talkin with clark and adam about going. i can't this sunday off, only next sunday... so well prob go next weekend!!! if you want to go with us, you're more than welcome! give me a call!!!!
  8. not to muck up your thread but did you still want the prices on the shirts and stuff pm me if so with the info
  9. i got tested about 3 yrs ago and then before the new GF, just to make sure but i wasnt asked. You just never know whos dirty anymore. and its usually the little barbie ones that are dirty so she just dosnt want it again lol
  10. im looking for some help to do commercial concrete work good.) yr round work, good pay, weekly pay bad.) boss difficult to work with but if you do the job right not so bad. VERY hard work if you dont like manual labor this is deff not the job for you pm me with any questions so i can tell you where to come to fill out an application
  11. that is the only ad that yamaha should put out for that bike cuz if that dosnt make you want one nothing will.... on the other hand now the R6 is prolly gonna be like the suzuki EVERYONE HAS ONE
  12. I dunno, maybe fowler! The sickest burnout had to be from Daniel from WV... "anybody wanna see some old people run?" haha ~PonyPimpstress
  13. NTHER91

    Red Baron

    adam you getting pizza tonight or is that called off
  14. NTHER91

    Red Baron

    jeesh dosnt everyone know that i was kinda hoping for somehting pizza related
  15. have you seen the people that work at thease places come on!!! they give no shits about anythign but how many kids they can get on welfare
  16. I think you have to high of an expectation of the employees,of said establishment
  17. bump for i need this stuff gone ASAP by sunday or its getting tossed
  18. creatine makes you retain water and in turn make you bloated but everyone has there own opinion
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