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Everything posted by Conesmasher

  1. Um, I don't know about that. Typically playoff's take division champs and put them forth. If we went through the season and both Michigan and OSU went undefeated, circa 2006, it would be as good if not better. Rankings rely on stupid humans.
  2. SUM OF A BITCH........my wife just saw the "casino" add on TV and started clapping. She yells at me, "You know I'm voting for that one". I'm fucked.
  3. That's some crazy stuff. Fannie and Freddie have always had an odd relationship with finances and the federal gov't backing.
  4. If you seriously need an "Obama counter" to justify your presidential pick......that is pretty sad.
  5. Thorne.......politician and liar are synonyms. It's next to immpossible to differentiate.
  6. Hasn't there ever been a thread about body carvings? http://newsblaze.com/story/20080506102017krzy.nb/topstory.html
  7. McCain's presentation urks me. I respect him as an American/hero/politician/lady picking duties, but he's just not selling me. The more makeup they put on the guy, the more it reminds me of seeing him in a casket. His delivery is flawed, character untestable, politics still up for debate.
  8. Conesmasher

    WaMu :(

    Banks buy other banks until they grab too much market share, become too big too fail and then FAIL. There needs to be a cap on market share, or some type of legislation that changes the reserve ratio.
  9. It looks like it is all wireless and will require an interface to make that happen. But it measures all of these things. Vehicle Speed RPM Fuel Consumption Engine Coolant Temp Fuel Pressure Calculated Engine Load Throttle Position Intake Manifold Pressure Air Intake Temp Timing Advance Mass Air Flow Fuel Level Barometric Pressure EVAP System Vapor Pressure Fuel Trim
  10. For a buck fiddy, I need to hump that shit.
  11. Conesmasher

    WaMu :(

    Wamu is still having no troubles taking my fucking money!!
  12. Why.....because who cares about Grad students. There not your average American.
  13. If your scared of Chinese owning property in America.....yes. How about this....China has A LOT of cash, but they want to put it in the safest place possible. Where do they go?........Answer: America
  14. Fuck that. Hookers and Cocaine.
  15. I say no. I can't have my wife gambling away all of our money. Keeping it out of state keeps her out of reach. It's against my political beliefs, but keeps my fucking wife in line.
  16. Took just a couple of minutes. I used my "alias" so I know how much they will whore my info out. We'll see........... +rep for you sir!
  17. That's some funny shit!!........and I'm a MAC user.
  18. Not too much, I know there are some reps, and some state senate seats. "The whore" Mary Joy Kilroy, is going up against Steve "cum guzzling" Stivers
  19. How about Obama isn't an American, rather a Kenyan......or McCain shouldn't be able to run since he wasn't born in America Obama wants to get rid of the pledge of allegiance......or actually works for Al Queda
  20. Well it's not the intellegent people. It's just hard to believe that people that breathe the same air I do, work for the same company I do, believe blatant ignorant shit.
  21. Exactly. Cash is king. That's rule number one in finance. Many folks have lived beyond their means for quite awhile, with second mortgages, HELOC's, and CC's. Falsifying their standard of living..... It seems that all will be well in the end......and if not, let's head north to live with the Canadian commies..
  22. Looks better and better EVERY DAY http://homepage.mac.com/g3head/bush08.jpg
  23. I heard someone at work the other day spewing the rhetoric. "You know Obama is really a muslim" "He was swore in on the Koran" "He won't say the pledge of allegiance" How many of you folks encounter this ingnorance??? I'm so amazed that people are so gullable.
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