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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. cNeutron


    True but who the HELL puts a opening post like that. Also their name is BIG SEXY and he is 32. He brought this on himself.
  2. Car looks really good. Pearl White FTW. Also your avatar FTMFW.
  3. Can you call your own shot/cup ? We do and it takes away 2 cups if you nail it.
  4. Thats a sad site to look at. I feel bad for people that die because of other peoples stupidity or lack of paying attention. My dad died on a motorcycle 2 years ago. He was wearing all of the "proper" gear. So i can understand what the site is about. Just trying to educate people about being safer and wearing the proper equipment. Sometimes freak things just happen outside our control. Wearing a helmet, gloves and other protective gear we can.
  5. My sister has that car. She has leis hanging from the rearview mirror for more power lol.
  6. cNeutron

    New Puppy ...

    Very cute dog. It looks like the dog they called the beast in the Sandlot. Is that the same type of dog.
  7. Maybe he is just trying to look alot different then your average nerd but still look cool is my guess. Im just surprised he hasnt released a clothing line in his stores. Which would sell like crazy im sure. All joking aside apple is a BA brand. I have a titanium for personal use.
  8. you pulled the baby card!!! thats a low brow move. lol cute kid btw.
  9. All you need is a black turtle neck. Jeans and a lightly gray beard and your good to go.
  10. Autotrader FTW. You have to pay but its totally worth it. When I put my 3k on there I didnt think I would get that many people that wanted it. I was wrong I got a ton of emails within a few days. I sold it to some kid in Indiana. It was only 40.00 to put it on there with pics. Autotrader works end of story.
  11. That is obviously photo shop dont listen to him putty. lol
  12. lol thats funny as hell. I was totally thinking the same thing. I wouldnt call the Iphone a POS but still funny.
  13. You are the coolest person alive. I envy you lol.
  14. Im not gonna lie you kinda went off for no reason. The same would be said at ANY cell phone company. When you are not eligble they will say you have to wait. That isnt bad customer service that is the rules that YOU signed for in your contract. I told people when I worked at sprint to call retentions and be cool. They will work with you most of the time if you are telling them to die of aids. Say the word cancel and they will go what can we do. I would try that and just dont start flipping out. That will get you no where.
  15. Can you add the iphone onto a exsisting family plan for only 9.99 if the other phones do not have the iphone? Is it like blackberry where you HAVE to get a data plan? The instinct is at a great price. People can hate Sprint all they want but they started a trend. The other Touchscreen phones will have to be cheaper to compete. Just today Verizon gave a price for their Dare its only 200 with a 50 dollar rebate. You can check out the phone on Gizmodo.com or Engadget.com
  16. Are you going to get the Iphone 2? Or do you really not care about the 3G? I just wondered from someone that already has the Iphone what they plan on doing.
  17. Thats a bad ass deal. I really want to get that phone.
  18. see I told you he LOVES Sprint.
  19. Yea they suck. Like i said when i talk to my mom its like she has a walkie talkie. Its annoying my sisters phone is the same way. I keep telling my mom to switch but she hates change.
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