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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. I wanted the instinct bad when i worked for sprint. Sprint does have the best data plans for phones and noone can argue that. Sprint customer service has improved but its nowhere where it needs to be.Now that i work for Verizon im waiting for the Dare to come out. Even though Verizon has the shittest choices in phones. I think the VU for ATT is their best phone. Im not a mac fan boy and I want 3rd party apps on my phone but i would still take the iphone. I hate talking to my mom who has At&t though GSM sucks and their coverage is terrible. Watch out for Nitrousbird he is a HUGE Sprint guy and will try to get you to get sprint. Its almost weird how much he likes that company lol.
  2. I used to as of a few weeks ago, I can help you and get you in contact with one of my former coworkers.
  3. I need to talk to someone that works at a corporate Verizon store. Anyone on here work at one?
  4. Im in for sure. Just tell me the time and place.
  5. http://gizmodo.com/5018407/video-teen-brutally-beats-bus-passenger-for-iphone?autoplay=true This happened in columbus. I hope they find the kid and beat the shit out of him.
  6. Kasi does my hair at the Cherry bottom Charles Penzones. My sisters work with Cassie at the polaris Charles Penzones I found out.
  7. Sorry to hear that. I didnt put my that about my dad for sympathy. I agree with you i look at this day to think back to the great times with my dad. As im sure you do with your dad as well.
  8. Happy Fathers day to all of the dads on the board. It takes alot to be a dad so enjoy YOUR holiday. Make sure you guys let your dads know how much you appreciate them, you never know how long they will be around! I lost my dad almost 2 years ago in a motorcycle accident but he is still very much with me in spirit. So happy fathers day to my dad!
  9. cNeutron


    yea i picked it up. im a big fan so far.
  10. Ass napkin is your come back lol. Yep your still pathetic and still dumb. Jealousy is a cruel bitch. There is just a line and you cross it when you ask for another man's wife nude pics. BTW real classy flick off the camera pic. What are you in 10th grade or just trying to be cool for your myspace friends?
  11. you = dumb. Its called confidence something you seriously seem to lack. All you seem like is some dude thats all jealous because you cant seem to get a girl. Its honestly really pathetic on your part.
  12. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d64/cobrarabbit/n613135025_2619160_4319.jpg I would like to say i remember this picture but I dont. Some random girl and I.
  13. Have you ever watched Tim Duncan with the refs?? he whines like a little bitch all the time. The spurs are the most BORING team to watch. No wonder why you like them because they win all of the time. Every player talks to the refs and asks about calls. Your boy Duncan got Joey Crawford suspended. Get your facts straight.
  14. Yea Aaron whats up. It really has been a long time. Congrats on getting married. Its going to be a blast when you go. You actually cant go wrong no matter what Island you go to because lets be honest its Hawaii.
  15. cNeutron

    Lakers Spurs

    I dont know how many of you on here are basketball fans. If you are I hope you were watching the Lakers game last night. I personally cant stand the Spurs and to see them blow a 20 point lead was amazing. Kobe showed why he is the MVP in the 2nd half. It was a great game I recommend watching the series because its going to be good.
  16. I have a great relationship with my rents. I do with my mom I talk to her almost every day. I did with my dad until he died almost 2 years ago in a motorcycle accident. He was one of my bestfriends. A pain of losing a parent so young that I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy. They we married for 26 years. My rents were really cool to me as a kid. I believe they raised me really well. My mom doesnt text she is old school only wants to talk on the phone. She knows how to use the computer pretty well. My dad texted alot back in the day. He was great with computers since he was a illustrator and used them all the time.
  17. Ive been about 15 times. I love Maui its by far the best island. You need to stay on Kannapalli beach its beautiful. Whaler Village is very close where you have a bunch of stores and dinning. The hyat is really nice or the Kannapalli alli (sp). You wont ever want to leave the beach. Now im not a big excursion type of guy so Im not good for any info on that. Taking the helicopter tour was cool though.
  18. wow that is crazy. The odds of that happening are not good so sucks to be that guy. It went perfectly under the front bumper through then engine bay to the fire wall. Without really hitting anything except for that guy's side.
  19. haha having Stephen Hawking in there i thought was funny.
  20. I didnt even realize that magazine is still around.
  21. i do. I work at the one on S hamilton Rd. Just tell me what you need and i can help you. I would recomend the U727 USB card.
  22. http://break.com/index/sister-busted.html saw this on break.com thought it was pretty funny. If it doesnt work by pressing the link just copy and paste it in a new browser
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