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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. When he learned how to use adobe photoshop.
  2. it probably was me. lol hopefully i wasnt being a D bag or anything.
  3. The movies were really good. I have the Indiana Jones pinball machine in my basement in perfect condition true story.
  4. $700.00 are you serious. The Wii craze went a way a while ago.
  5. My friends and I are playing football at 930 at the OSU practice fields. If you dont know where that is its right behind the OSU stadium. So its pretty easy to find lol.....if you want to come just PM me for my number. Bring celetes(sp) because if anyone that has played there knows its a fast surface and you will get ran right by if you dont have them. Also bring you A game lol.
  6. pm sent about monitor
  7. We are playing again this tuesday at 930 pm on the osu practice fields. we ahve about 9 guys already that are going to be showing up so there will be a good group there.
  8. Tonight 930ish at the osu practice fields.
  9. We need to havea game. The perfect place is the practice fields at OSU. Tell me when a good day for everyone would be and I will plan it. I would say we would play tag or flag for the older guys lol jk. But whatever kind of game you would prefer. Ive been playing with my friends alot down there its a blast.
  10. I was recently layed off by Circuit City. I want to work for any of the major cellphone companies. If anyone can help me out at all that would be great. I have a ton of retail and customer service expierence. Over 5 years close to 6 to be exact. Any help would be great. Cabot
  11. Ugly Tuna Wednesday Night at the Gateway. Hott girls, live band, and plenty of good adult beverages.
  12. I worked at Best Buy and Circuit City for 5 years car audio for 3. When Stern went to Satellite radio a ton of people came into buy Sirius for that reason alone. Wanna guess how many people came in asking for XM because of Opi and Anthony???? like 1 or 2. Howard is getting old but he DOMINATES the shock radio market.
  13. Though I wasnt old enough to see the first when I was a kid when it first came out. I saw it a few years later and I cried when i was like 4 when optimus died. The only movie I ever cried for he was my hero. My dad was a illustrator for the original series toys I have some of the artwork at my house for the toys. The only think I didnt like was the look of starscream. I thought the movie was so badass but starscream looked too bulky. Kinda like a turtle when transformed.
  14. def funny....BUT god do I hate Paris Hilton the most overrated goodlooking girl on the planet.
  15. good my friend who turns in the money was late as shit with it. We arent on the first schedualed game out so we were worried.
  16. pretty funny....BUT Soundwave is badass this is known.
  17. I play in that league on the Sipers. Im not sure if we are playing this session.
  18. I loved the movie....This was my toy as a kid so it brought back some good memories. I got to see it at the ultrascreen at Marcus so it was even better! I read that there is a 2nd and 3rd ones planned already Soundwave, Gridlock and the Devastator are going to be in those. I cant even wait finally a good series of movies to care about.
  19. cNeutron

    Dumb Bitch

    Well that isnt a ignorant comment about macs. Most people that hate macs usually aren't smart enough to use them. I mean im just saying.
  20. how about Cook going 21st. All the "experts" had him later 1st round early 2nd. Major congrats to the bucks!
  21. he will probably die in it no worries. The movie looks sick I cant wait to see it.
  22. its cool im not trying to be a dick. Just saw a chance to get my money lol!
  23. hey maverick can you give dave the 10 bucks you still owe me for the games you bought off of me. Thanks, he is my roomate.
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