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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. im going to knock on myself. My previous statement is well.....DUMB. I have a blu ray player in a PS3 and I wouldnt go to HD DVD if you paid me. Its still kinda dumb to have a format war again but thats business. BLU RAY for the WIN. I have bought about 5 movies for it already and they look crystal.
  2. movies like that suck. Their humor is predictable and not at all funny. How many times can someone get hit in the crotch. There is no thinking in the jokes just dumb and boring. I feel sorry for you thinking that this movie looks funny. Movies like date movie, not another teen movie and scary movies just suck.
  3. i saw that tonight too when i was leaving church.
  4. lol good grandmas boy reference
  5. cobrarabbit and i play Halo3 a good amount and madden. I will be playing halo3 tonight if anyone is down
  6. +1000000000 Philly fans will praise Mcnabb one minute and boo him the next. Very shitty fans they seem to have no loyalty. Bengals fans suck because all you ever hear is that gay "who dey" shit and they dont beat anyone. Also hearing them cry about the steelers during the playoff game gets really old. "if carson palmer wouldnt have gotten hurt we would have won the superbowl". SHUT THE FUCK UP. I honestly cant stand Boston red sox fans either. They talk with all this glory but they are alittle bit cheaper yankees. Like they have the greatest franchises ever. it took them how long after their babe ruth curse!? and also Notre dame sucks dick lol.
  7. he is right. I get their haircut there every month by kim aka mavis. Both my sisters work at the one on polaris. so i get a good deal as well.
  8. The man is a coward plain and simple.
  9. He was recovering from a knee injury. He was supposed to be playing this week.
  10. Its really sad to hear. But listening to the radio sounds like he was at one time involved in alot of shit. His house was broken into 3 times in a matter of weeks. He was obviously involved in something pretty bad for someone to come kill him. I wonder what happened to the suspects involved.
  11. them duke boys ..... that was pretty cool
  12. I used to work at best buy and circuit city the last 5 years. FUCK getting up early thats all i have ever done and it sucks. Some of the deals are cool but i dont care if i miss them this time. People are also psycho on that day and I dont have to deal with it anymore. So im pretty happy about that im not gonna lie.
  13. Onkyo is still pretty good. Polk audio isnt bad and if you want to spend the money boston acustic is really good.
  14. Are you serious i dont think he is that funny. I think its weird some REALLY old guy is trying to tell sex jokes. Just takes the edge off of it for me.
  15. lol i love dane cook....and i love halo....what a perfect combo
  16. i thought i had heard somewhere that he died.
  17. fuck a mac.....i have a mouse with a right click but i cant seem to get this to work.
  18. WHAT!!!!!.....im a not a Pats fan but no way can you call him overrated. He def has better recievers this year then past but he is always been really good. Name their top recievers from last year.....??? its hard because they werent that good. They still got to the AFC championship game and barley lost. DONT EVER BRING UP AKILI SMITH or it should be instant ban! lol....but seriously I think Brady is incredible this year its actually fun to watch just how effortless it is. Who would have thought and how many people did count randy moss out. A hasbeen lost a step couldnt hang with the best DBs and he has and killed them. I almost would say Wes Welker is as valuable as Moss because he is killing the middle of the field for the Pats. If you dont go long to moss Welker will be open underneath and he jukes about everyone. im a Falcons fan so this isnt bias but its still fun to see this happen in my lifetime. Bill Bellacheat is still a bitch but they have one hell of a team.
  19. To all the "yankee" fans man up and actually admit you lost. Instead of the usual Yankee twist that you lost it not that the other team was better. I hate the Yankees they are the worse team in sports. Everything that is wrong with baseball starts with the Yankees. 208 Million dollar payroll and you only win one game in the postseason you are pathetic. Torre isnt a GREAT manager he looks good because what was around him. He will def go to the hall of fame but who wouldnt with his kind of players. Now I cant wait but to only hope and see Cleveland takes out another overhyped franchise in the ALCS. Cleveland is real DEVELOPED team that had to go build their players up to get where they are. Their payroll is close to 25% of the yankees payroll. All in all GO TRIBE!!!.... P.S. Baseball needs a salary cap like no other. They wonder why NFL dominates in ratings, attendence and overall attraction to the sport.
  20. cNeutron

    Halo 3

    Yea tues night im getting my geek on lol
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