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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. Not only do you suck at picking who is going to win. You suck at making a point about Manning to Brady. IN 2006 Payton made 11.5 Million in endorsments compared to your "Brady" at 9.8 million. Your right you have a strong case against Manning. You know about 2 million because in your words he doesnt do it as much. You dont like someone for making a living. If you are marketable BE marketable. http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.feature&FeatureID=202 All in all 10xworse your a idiot. Im glad your shitty Pats lost Bellishit is a punk and deserved to lose. I dislike for a real sports reason unlike your cop out crap answer. All I have to say is Browns to Bellicheck(sp) and you should know.
  2. I have a 360 so I automatically go for HD DVD. The reason why I feel HD DVD will win as well is because anything as far as new format sony backs fails. Maybe not the best statement by me but look at their track record. Beta, UMD, Mini disc and a few others. All in all HD DVD is the one for me! lol Plus I have Pirates on HD dvd.
  3. funny video but is old as hell.......but really funny though
  4. So bitter ,get mad all you want we still will do better and faster work then you "mom and pop" places. Im pretty sure you dont even sauder wire your connections. We are damn good at repeat visitors thats why we blow you guys away. It doesnt necissarly matter how many years of experience you have its based on skill. All my installers are MACP certified. The waranties arent a rip off...at your store what happens if you drop your key faub in the water??? You make the customer buy a brand new one, then you charge to reprogram it. With our "rip off" service waranties we replace it on the spot and reprogram it for free. My offer still stands to anyone on here just pm me your car and we will install a remote strart/keyless/ alarm whatever you want. Ohh and dont forget about nationwide coverage.
  5. I work at Circuit City Sawmill. Just pm me your car and I can give you a price quote. My installers are really good and we have the best prices.
  6. Dr Z06 my bad I must have been looking into the future about 10 loses in a row. lol I didnt think Michigan was overrated and I hate that school. USC was pretty good that day to be said lightly. LSU looked really good last night they would have given OSU a run for their money. All I know is I cant wait till Monday GO OSU!!!!
  7. Once again last night Notre Dame was shown for the overated school that they are. They CANT hang with the big power house colleges! Why they keep being put into these BCS games is beyond me. They cant win a big game to save their lives. Talent is just not their, Brady Quinn is a joke. The refs were horrible in the game as well. How they call defensive pass interference on a guy when he is litterly being pulled down by his jeresy is beyond me. 10 straight bowl loses ND you suck.
  8. apparently the terminator doesnt need snow to ski either. damn things must be sweet in the future haha
  9. wow 800 for a system that not to many people want. Thats a pretty bold amount of money to ask. Considering you can get them pretty much anywhere.
  10. my favorite tv/toys of my childhood......the original movie when optimus prime died I cried my eyes out as a kid.
  11. One of the greatest movies ever.
  12. I would def go I wont lie I do like some of his music. IM not afraid to admit it. Plus like a few others had mentioned the girls that are going to be there are hott. It wouldnt be a half bad show I think at least ha. The only problem I saw 170 per ticket is pretty high but if it makes your girl happy.
  13. Its a 2 channel amp at 125 watts RMS hence 125.2.
  14. Are you kidding me. Im surpised he was in the top 5. His stats were so padded against shitty teams. He CANT win a big game. Why is he considered so good when he is under preasure he always folds. I mean anyone here right off the top of your head the last BIG game that Quinn won?? If you have to think thats a huge problem because he hasnt. OVERRATED on a OVERRATED team. Steve Slaton and mike hart deserved to be above him. Maybe even Ray rice as well.
  15. Difference between us (Circuit City) and Best buy, we handed out the peoples vouchers at 6 am. We dont make them wait any longer outside in the cold. So they can go get some breakfast and comeback for our store to open at 8am. I opened my circuit at easton and we did the same thing. We did however have like 100 people come after that asking if we had any more PS3s. Circuit isnt dicks like Best Buy either by not telling people how many systems we have in. So you dont wait 2-3 days for nothing. The 10 cars that you saw in the parking lot is the people just chillen with their vouchers till the store opens. Rather be in my car then out in the cold.
  16. Michigan is going to be our bitchagain.....that is all......go bucks!!!!
  17. At my circuit city on morse rd people have been waiting for a few hours for the PS3. They plan to wait all the way till 8 am friday morning. thats dedication but comes at a pretty long wait. To each his own is my feeling on it. P.S. I cant wait to make Michigan our bitchagain!!!!! Go bucks!!!!
  18. No lie I know them because I took 2 of the pictures. Just check my myspace they are on my top 4.
  19. whats funny a few pages in on 5,6 and 7 i know a few of the girls on here.
  20. The brand new stratus is only 59.99 or the Starmate 4 is only 99.99. The last gen starmate is 79.99 with a 20.00 mail in rebate. Any other questions just call me at 614-471-7025 my name is Cabot.
  21. I work at Circuit City on Morse Rd I can get you set up.
  22. cNeutron


    Can someone say statement game?......We proved who was the best once again. No doubters around the nation. People could pull that the Gophers suck. BUT when you play in your conference its a alot more on the line. Teams try harder we just proved who was alot better. GO BUCKS!
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