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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. Would you like a gizmondo with that? Really curious why you would want a piece of hardware that was a huge failure?
  2. If you have Direct Tv the game is on 609. At least where I am in the Gahanna area. I work at Circuit City and I just found the game. So to everyone I hope you can watch it. I usually love ESPN but its really not their fault its other networks for not picking it up. Or ESPN for not putting it on a one of their more popular networks.
  3. I have a hp pavilion zv5000 WS with a 2 year warranty left from best buy im trying to sell. Works great just had the mother board replaced looking to sell for around 500. If interested pm me or anyone else for that matter.
  4. Did you get this out of a white van. Or are you just trying to be a scam artist?
  5. Full throttle at work because well its what we sell. Then I like sparks on the weekend.
  6. Back to how much I feel Notre Dame is overrated. Brady Quinn is a bitch and SHOULDNT be the #1 pick in the draft. Well it will probably be for the raiders so who cares anyway. People can bring up the OSU Penn State game all day long but great teams find a way to win in the clutch. We were already up before the interceptions and it just added to the lead. Tressel is to conservative in my opinion is the reason you dont see us blowing more teams out. Every highly ranked team we have played of recent we have beyond rised to the occasion. Something that ND knows nothing about in their "historic" program. Any tough game Quinn cant seem to put it together. Michigan State gave the game up and are falling apart. They lost to Ill for christ sakes who doesnt win any big ten games period (well except for 1). I think Chris leak is pretty good and has gotten alot out of his WR and RB but I feel they will lose 2 games this month. Calvin Johnson someone else that deserves more props but probably wont get it because he plays for Tech. It is Smith's Heisman to lose and nothing else. People can bitch all day long but until he loses he will NOT lose the heisman. As of now he deserves it, Ohio State has lived up to the hype thus far. ND once again year in and year out doesnt. Just one quick point about Michigan because they keep getting brought back up. What happened in the first game against Vandy? Didnt they barley win that game? To call us out against Garrett Wolfe is sad that was our first game back and im sure this point in the season would be alot different story. GO BUCKS!!
  7. this is a perfect example. Anyone on here could say all day long how that it is possessed. That toy is going to sell millions and it is geared for younger kids. They will eat it up and be one of the hottest toys of the christmas season. The people who are laughing so hard are the makers all the way to the bank.
  8. I hate brent musfucker everytime I hear his commentary I want to die. You cant put it on the radio because its like 5 secs behind the coverage on tv.
  9. Looking at getting one. My 01 just isnt enough power ha. So if you know of anyone that is looking to get rid of theirs please pm me. Also im not a fan of convertibles that much. Light upgrades as well.
  10. browns fans remained loyal even when they didnt have a team for 5 years.
  11. cNeutron

    What do you do?

    Circuit City Car Audio Senior Buckle Brand rep
  12. Umm OSU fans arent stupid they are passionate. I wouldnt expect a typical Bengals fan to understand that. Finally the Bengals are good and all the fair weather fans are back. OSU fans stand behind their team no matter if they are good or bad. Unlike the "stupid" bengals fans who become Steeler fans the min anything goes bad in Bengal land. I-O
  13. I agree....Michigan KILLED overrated I mean Notre Dame. Great day of college football and the Oregon Oklahoma game was awsome! Go buckeyes!
  14. What was that your girlfriend or something?
  15. Nice car man Im sorry to hear about your loss. I know what you are going through my dad died last month in a motorcycle accident.
  16. If this is a repost my bad. I thought it was really funny go to the bottom of the page and click the audio. http://www.snopes.com/crime/cops/burger.asp My installers and I were dying some people are so stupid in life.
  17. I was reading ESPN.com today the Heisman watch polls. It has Troy Smith at #1 as it should be. Brady Quinn is at 3 which higher then he should be. I will get more into that in a sec. I keep watching Sportscenter and all of their analyst keep talking about all might Notre Dame. I cant stand it they are so overrated! Their offense is ok at best Smarga (sp) their WR is the best player on the team. But they supposedly have the "best offense" in the country. That offense could barley score against Georgia Tech. The offensive line couldnt hold a block to save their lives. Everyone on ESPN then makes excuses on why they didnt score as much. Notre Dame is always put up to this level that they NEVER live up to. Ohio State last year at the Fiesta bowl showed Notre Dame for the school that they are. NOT THAT GOOD the score was alot closer then the game actually was. Notre Dame will lose against So Cal and Michigan. Then for some reason they will still be ranked in the top 10 which is a shame. I got the most mad when I read the article on the Heisman watch this is what their writer wrote. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/heisman06/index
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaFzOkMbWIk O-H
  19. Buckle and since I now work at Express alot of their stuff too. I still do get a few things from A&F and hollister but I dont shop their as much anymore.
  20. yea that was the phone I was going to get. How do you do that because the Verizon reps dont know how.
  21. Im about to get a new phone and there is one specific feature that I am looking for. I want to use the bluetooth to connect to my laptop as a wireless internet connection. I keep hearing from the reps at my work that you cant with Verizon. Then I heard that the phone needs to be "unlocked" so you can use the bluetooth for that reason. My friend has cingular and uses his phone as a router whenever he is traveling and I want that! I just really dont want to go to cingular. Does anyone know how to "unlock" or a Verizon phone that will allow me to do that?
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