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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. my neighbor has 2 of them.....those cars are so sick.
  2. Appreciate your dads you never know how long they will be there. Happy Fathers day to the dads and mine who isnt here anymore but is always with me!
  3. So thats how subzero does it.
  4. They are emo end of story.....
  5. Accidents do happen my dad died last year in a motorcycle wreck. He had his helmet on and was going the speed limit. His side bag hit a patch of asphalt on a turn and the bike flipped and he fell into a guard rail. You are so much more exposed when you are on a bike its scary. I still want to get one but makes you think. Especially whensomething hits so close to home.
  6. cNeutron

    Go CAV"S!!!

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO CAVS!!!!!!!!!!!! no one said they had a chance against Detroit no one will say we have one against the Spurs I think we can do it!! Ohh wallace is Clevelands bitch!!!
  7. Thats gayer then aids.......I think it should have been your duty to rip that emblem off. They could have at least been smart and put the SVT one back there. Evidently they arent oh well.
  8. cNeutron

    Go CAV"S!!!

    Who are they gonna pass too? I agree they take alot of forced shots but who is on their roster that they can trust. Both Cavs and Lakers have shit for rosters. Its 2 superstars with lackluster talent around them. Their supporting cast is so streaky its almost amazing. Odem on the lakers and Gibson on the cavs (who I think is going to be really good given a few years) are the only people RIGHT NOW that are pretty good. The pistons are def the better team their is no doubt. Billups is just automatic almost every night. Someone always is stepping up on their roster it makes me so mad lol.I think their age is showing and lack of Ben Wallace doesnt help either. Webber is good but not the center presence that Wallace was. All in all last night was a great game and I hope the Cavs can win. Who honestly would want to see Pistons vs Spurs again? that series would be so boring!
  9. cNeutron

    Go CAV"S!!!

    I totally agree EXCEPT dont say its over. We were in the same position last year and lost at home. Im a huge Cavs fan so im pretty optimistic. Lebron was a pimp tonight and we need to get rid of Drew Gooden he is such a horrible player.
  10. Ren and Stimpy PLWN all....some other those other shows rocked too.
  11. I will gladly play you.....CobraRabbit is my gamertag. Dont be sad when you leave crying lol. You better not be that guy that only chainsaws and frag tags.
  12. it is still on to play tonight right? or since its mothers day is everyone going to bail!
  13. my roomate Dave needs one I can pm you his number lol!
  14. I hate insight as well my roomate and I have had big problems with them. Also media center FTW fuck having to pay for DVR thats messed up. We have a dual tv tuner media center that is fucking money.
  15. I hope im right too lol......word is Michael Bay is giving optimus prime lips. WTF is that about he never had them in the cartoon. I do not like him as a director.
  16. transformers > Every other movie this year EXCEPT 300
  17. Thanks man but I cant do the whole salvage title thing.
  18. born sinner your pm box is full I tried to send you a email about the gsxr get back to me if you could thanks man
  19. damn, i just put that at a starting point..... thanks for the advice. I guess I will just have to spend more. any bikes around 4500 would be good then.
  20. I really want to a bike, I want to spend around 3,500 max. I used cycle trader and I just hated that site. I want a GSXR, CBR f4i or Ninja. Any help would be appreciated. Cabot
  21. What about Doug Flutie?? I think he did pretty good in buffalo? He was barley over 6 feet. To use Jason White and Eric Crouch you are even dumber. IF you actually knew what you were talking about. Eric Crouch was converted to saftey on St Louis and just quit because he got hurt. He later signed with the Packers and quit again. Jason White had 2 acl tears in his knees. Thats why he didnt fair well in the NFL, he never played a down! He couldnt drop back quick enough this is what he said. It had nothing to do with their statures. But im sure you knew that because you made another educated opinion.
  22. Lets start out by getting the obvious out of the way....You are just fucking stupid. Dont try to call me out when you do not know anything about football. When is the last time ND won a Bowl game? Answer: 13 years ago....again you are a dumbass. When is the last time Quinn beat a good team? He never did...dont be even more of a idiot and use Michigan 2 years ago. That was a rebuilding year and everyone beat Michigan. Peyton played in the SEC not the shitty ivy league that ND plays in. When you beat Airforce, navy and whatever shitty ass D1 school they can find they do suck. Dont blame it on the D dumbass his lack of ability and pass acuracy killed him. Dont use that bring in that he didnt have anyone to throw to. Jeff Samarja(sp) ring a bell he is like 6' 7''. Clevend needed a QB but overrated brady quinn was not the answer. He looked like a tool all over TV trying to sell himself because he knows the truth. All the scouts and football teams knew it your the only dumbass who doesnt. So go troll somewhere else and jump back on your bandwagon for the Steelers which im sure you just started liking them last year when they won it all. Conclusion....you are a dumbass and you make my head hurt with your stupidity which you call knowledge. Joe thomas was a great pickup I totally agreed that they needed that stability in the line. They should have gone for the QB out of Stanford. Peterson would have been sweet but the browns do need a line.
  23. true fact.....he is the most overrated player in the draft. Played for a shitty overrated team and played horrible teams to make him seem better. His playing ability speaks for itself. CANT win in big games. Its because its ND and thats the only reason why he is talked about so much.
  24. true story......when are we gonna set a date and time?
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