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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. Wow this guy is a winner. Go back to whatever hole you came from. I talk to the managers, i know what goes on in the business. I am sure that is how they run your shit hole business but not where i come from. They let us see the reports and see how the company is performing. So know what you are talking about before you open your dick sucking mouth. Oh and by the way my dad told me that your mom already filled that position to suck him off.
  2. get fucked........ i didnt know you were the CC expert. Brandon was right, people think CC is doing so bad but they really dont know the truth. They got rid of the stores to open better ones in better markets. Down south CC owns best buy. I worked for best buy for almost 2 years and the way CC handles things is 10000 times better then best buy ever could. So before you start talking a big game how you think CC is i think the people that work there know a little bit more then you fuck face. Go back to your cock sucking job and leave everyone else alone.
  3. pics of the house so i can show some friends?
  4. im calling bullshit.......if you have to TRY and brag about it you arent getting it......its not quantity its quality fat chicks dont count
  5. macro is crazy by far the best protector against pirating
  6. cNeutron


    haha so did i .......welcome
  7. Be proud of your Stang and welcome to the board
  8. DEI by far....we sell Code alarm at Circuit City and they suck.....but we are getting viper back so its all good
  9. im about to pick it up for xbox......first one was awsome
  10. welcome, everyone one on here is really nice and wont badger you at all......no one is sarcastic and they will always be nice......ha
  11. cNeutron

    Gay penguins

    those groups find the ummmm.....gayest things to argue and protest about......they must have alot of time on their hands to care about penguins....
  12. so like youve done a few things to your car....haha welcome to the board
  13. yea westerville.......my friend just got back from NY trying to do the same thing......welcome to the board
  14. nice ive seen a GT-R mustang....I asked him if that was special edition he said yes haha
  15. that can be said about alot of actors and rock stars..... its sad though
  16. yea that was my post haha accidently did it on his screen name
  17. ok sorry i couldnt fit in with your little 6th grade card game.....man you have become a fuck tard. But you still havent answered the question of what the hekl you were talking about
  18. hehehehe thanx alex tongue.gif </font>again geoff what the fuck are you talking about 15 and 16 year old girls? What shit have you made up in your mind that you somehow feel that i have done something? I give you a little shit about that card game and you get all defensive and say something about young teenage girls. You make no sense you fucking idiot? You mean when you first met me 3 years ago when i was 17 and so i was talking to some 16 year old chick. You make no sense and i would really like to knwo what you are talking about..
  19. i feel a strong geek presence in this thread
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