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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. agreed....also not having sex with sluts will help too....not saying you are by any means i just mean in general
  2. best condom is no condom ......true story.....birth control rules all
  3. cNeutron


    You have a PM speakers sizes and prices.
  4. I looking for a good priced one. If anyone has one just let me know.
  5. i love her she is so hott i would do so much to her......and i really dont care either way fake or not but her boobs are real and thats really cool.
  6. dude yea she is....the telemundo channel even though i cant understand a single word they are saying have the hottest girls on there...
  7. Thank you .....big fan of the mags
  8. The most horrible commentator is CLEARLY Bret Musfucker.....I hate him every single time he does the buckeyes he never gives them props. No matter how bad they blow a team out (which isnt often) but always makes the other team so much better then what they are. You can tell he doesnt like OSU and i wish he wouldnt commentate for them any longer.
  9. you are just now realizing this that college commentators suck.....its been like this for a while
  10. haha omg thats that foreign boy band....we have to watch that damn music video all the time at Circuit city....litterly the gayest video i have ever seen and i dont know what the fuck they are saying.
  11. I was 10 and my biggest responsibility was if i got enough recess for the day......man i miss those times
  12. graemlins/slap.gif ban him!!....he is trying to be a post whore!!! i called it
  13. cNeutron


    all i hvae to say is GO FALCONS!!!.......Eagles got worked tonight.....TO is a big part of the team but they got to the NFC championship game 3 times in a row without him.....
  14. sucks when someone like him dies.....he was a good guy
  15. cNeutron

    Fuck Tards

    yea man exactly like that
  16. cNeutron

    Fuck Tards

    haha yea man, i wasnt by my car yet so i dont think they were directing at that. It pissed me off because like i said before who the fuck says that.
  17. cNeutron

    Fuck Tards

    haha yea i do. no trust me i like the car alot but he was just a ass it is a shame that he owned one.
  18. cNeutron

    Fuck Tards

    For the simple fact they were trying to act all hard. I should have specified that more. THey were acting like bitches..... and republicant fuck off.
  19. if he doesnt end up getting it i will take it
  20. cNeutron

    Fuck Tards

    My friend and i were walking out of best buy to my car to leave. When we were crossing over into the parking lot there was a mid 90s RX-7. There were 2 dudes in the car dressed in camos. It was a nice 7 but there was no reason to say anything. And as soon as they were right next to us. The dude goes "Yea you like this car" we said yea then he goes "you should join the army and then you can get a cool car like this" we just gave the long sarcastic "right". They must think wow we act all hard in our "cool car"It pissed me off, who the fuck says that not to take anything away from the RX7 but it isnt a Mercedes or anything like that. We were just like your gay and walked away. SO those 2 fuckers are just Gay!
  21. SURE they are your sister's....its ok you can admit you are a fan of his haha
  22. wow what a first post.....sorry about the loss...
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