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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Heh. Meatloafers. graemlins/bubbrubb.gif
  2. Mensan

    Apt stuff again

    Color me confused.
  3. Does Mike have to wear a sports bra? tongue.gif
  4. Does Mike have to wear a sports bra? tongue.gif
  5. I thought his was supercharged?
  6. Could we start with the word "grmmmar"?
  7. Mensan


    Any day of the fucking week. You obviously aren't smart enough to work on your own car. You had to pay someone to install those hideous taillights. Then you had to pay them again to take them back out (side note about your insecurities; you had the stock ones reinstalled because no one liked them, even though you thought they looked good). So I'm thinking that's why you bought an 03 Cobra, since you probably couldn't make any other cars fast without having to pay them for it. And it still isn't that fast. Which chapter of Mensa are you in again John?
  8. Mensan

    Front Licence Plates

    You're not the boss of me!
  9. Mensan


    Maybe 'm not as smart as I think I am. Dunno. I know I'm smarter than you. After our first discussion on here, I had no reason to want to meet you in person. That's why I didn't go over to where you were. Your first posts on this forum were so arrogant and pompous I couldn't look at them without feeling ill. Anyone else remember those? And Sam, don't get me started. You're the only Vette owner I know that still pays for sex. tongue.gif
  10. How about I fucked your mom from behind and slapped her ass with a spatula.
  11. Mensan


    I think the main difference here is that I know I'm an asshole, and I will freely admit it. Thing is, with the exception of a few people, the people that I give shit to on the board are my friends. There's a couple I give shit to because I don't like them. Want to know which category you're in? We've been out at the same time, but you never make your way out of your little "clique", and I think it has something to do with your insecurities. If you can't handle the shit I give you, you can always cry to the IPS or race club guys to give me some shit since you can't handle it. Now, like everyone else on the board has told you at one time or another, GO THE FUCK AWAY.
  12. Mensan

    Posting 101

    Because it isn't a word. PROOFREAD.
  13. Great, another homosexual joke from an insecure f-body owner.
  14. I think I would do well on a show like that..."Dude, it runs 14's!...
  15. I think I saw that somewhere else...Oh yeah, the correct forum .
  16. How much for the gay shoe in the first pic?
  17. Mensan

    MP3 wanted

    Incredible Moses - Fuzzy If anyone can hook me up, send me a PM or email. THANKS! graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. Mensan


    PM=afternoon. AM=Before noon. IM me if you need any help.
  19. I stopped using any chemicals and only use dry swiffers. I haven't seen anything I like more.
  20. Mensan

    500rwhp ZX12R

    Way too much effort on something I care too little about.
  21. http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/Marc/henri.jpg http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/Marc/BreadMonster.jpg http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/Marc/kekeke.jpg http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/Marc/03072702.jpeg http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/Marc/B.Ball.jpg
  22. Ah, I see since you ran out of responses you just went with the "crazy guy" retort. Honestly, I think it works better. It makes more sense than most of your arguments. tongue.gif
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