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Posts posted by Mensan

  1. Remove the battery and check for DC voltage from the battery tab to ground. If it's putting out 13-15V then one of a few things could be happening. Your stator may be able to put out voltage provided there's no load, but once the battery starts drawing current then the voltage collapses. Or, you have a bad connection from either the regulator to the battery, or the battery negative to ground.


    Quick edit: Does your meter have a diode checker? The rectifier should just be a 4 diode bridge.

  2. Supposedly there is a windshield place next to pick and pull that installs used windshields cut out of the junked cars. I've never been there but a couple of the dealers at my work go this route.


    I have known people to use this and they were happy, especially for a beater.

  3. Ha, I wasn't kidding. These mortgages make me nervous, and seeing all you guys worried about paying them off and making yourself debt free is enticing.


    Marc's reward for slapping me around was 2 early morning texts to "sponsor" another 210k in mortgages for me. I guess I'll be debt free when I die.


    Cash flow makes you debt free. There's like 3 people in this thread with logical answers.

  4. That's what my gripe is; that the financial side of healthcare requires a goddamn MBA to effectively understand, and that it is a FOR-PROFIT enterprise. I don't mind profit, but if you're going to profit you have a duty to be at least somewhat transparent and accountable.


    I just made a facebook post about exactly this. I went without insurance for a short time and a visit to Urgent care cost the same when I had insurance vs. when I didn't. I felt something was off. Ever since moving to IL it's WAY more confusing than when I was in OH. I will visit a doctors office and continue to get bill after bill with no explanation as to what they are.

  5. It sure would be great if we could have political discussions without delving into personal insults.


    Lower taxes are great, provided that they are met with cutting excess spending in areas where it can be cut. The problem is, we aren't cutting enough spending to offset that. Personally, I have a significant amount of deductions under our current system which provide me with some relief. I have a bit of a problem with a system that is cutting taxes for people who have more disposable income than I do (which is why we allow deductions for things like children and business expenses in the first place), while increasing my burden.


    Also currently we have several corporations who would be allowed deductions for increasing pay to their employees. FULLY deductible under current law. Still, corporations increase salaries for their higher employees while complaining that an increase on minimum wage will kill their profits. Why would corporations continue to increase payouts as opposed to keeping profits for cash on hand? Which has more value to shareholders? Money back to lower level employees? Probably not. Let's revisit this thread in two years and find out what everyone's bonus and raise structure look like. most employers currently cap raises around 3% unless there's a promotion, usually they try and keep it closer to 2%. I am not optimistic that things will change. I hope that you all are right.

  6. The content was interesting, it's just the original site you posted was a pain to navigate with all the ad revenue generating next buttons to see every little pic.


    You also posted in his thread, and your nit-picky bullshit is more annoying than clickbait pages, so I guess he's 2 for 2.

  7. OK, Vox like every other media outlet always has an agenda. That being said, taken at face value, I have to say, I believe it's insane that Jimmy sees less of an advantage than Bob would if each donates $100 to charity, but Jimmy makes 3x less than Bob.


    Can someone more knowledgeable than myself try to give me some "alternative" facts, ha ha. Keep it simple, i'm slow.


    Read this:




    Most super rich people find ways to shelter their money from being taxed. Investors and people who make most of their money through capital gains, or investing for others, can lower their tax burden to an unbelievably low level by classifying this income as Carried Interest. Some people may try and defend this, but I'm not sure why we have super rich people in this country who hoard money and have a lower tax bracket than the majority of people who make less than them, without needing the use of deductions.


    Eric Schoenberg and Warren buffet, who both save tremendous amounts of money due to this rule, both believe it shouldn't exist, and their tax rates (and others whose income is classified as Carried Interest) should be much, much higher.

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