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Everything posted by jeffmeden

  1. Corporate responsibility... no more sovereign entity, limited liability, etc... Whoever is on top (making the most money) gets to live and die with the company. If your company makes a billion dollars, you get a fair share. If your company kills someone, you go on trial for it. If your company loses a ton of money, YOUR ASS IS BROKE. Maybe then we wouldn't have companies getting by on handouts from the Fed and the managers walking away to retire on their 120' yacht while their company pumps sludge into river water and gives kids cancer. You know, for the kids' sake.
  2. Just a word of advice in case you overlooked this: Be sure to *properly* clean the board if it had any contamination on it, and then conformal coat the whole thing when you are done soldering. I have had (and know others that have had) their car run great for a few days/weeks/whatever and then the symptoms came back due to rapidly deteriorating components. On a 15+ year old ECU, special attention is a MUST.
  3. Only go to U-verse if you aren't picky about HD picture. TW/WOW have vastly superior HD quality at 1080p. If you don't have a 1080p TV, don't worry. Other than that, the uverse internet is cheap and very fast. The DVR is nice unless you are a HD perfectionist. I wouldn't know about the phone, i don't bother with anything but a cellphone. And LOL at 250/month, do you talk on the phone internationally while watching HBO3 on 3 set top boxes and a pay per view movie at the same time?
  4. Gas is 2.77 at sam's club. The guy at the door advised me to buy it and put it in the ground. It seemed ironic, but I like mavericks, so I invested in 12 5 gallon gas trees.
  5. It sure stinks that everyone now knows about this (its been water cooler talk where I work for weeks) and no one really gives a shit (Obama is gaining steadily in the polls)... Maybe it's because villainy is in the eye of the beholder? I'm not disagreeing with you, just trying to answer your question: Yep, sure is.
  6. North Korea is about as communist as my toilet: One guy shits everywhere and expects the mess to take care of itself. Repeat after me: DICK-TATER-SHIP Cuba is a much more communist state, thanks in no small part to our embargo preventing western intervention that would have eroded their "utopia" into nothingness about 20 years ago, and they could be a nice, productive capitalist state (like china) by now.
  7. Stay away from kinkos, just go to snapfish.com or adoramapix.com for cheap, high quality processing. Kinkos will overcharge you hard core.
  8. As long as they aren't getting free health care, who cares if lawn care, dishwashing, and chicken processing is mexican dominated? So wait, why is it that conservatives are against illegals? If the 'government, stay outta my way' ideology is carried to the immigration debate, I am pretty sure that the conservative argument should be pro-illegal. Think about it, get rid of free health care and entitlement, and the illegals will do nothing but take shitty jobs, pay taxes and SS (they do already,) and not really drain the govt resources... Except for police maybe, but come on these guys need an excuse to break out the knight stick every once in a while eh? amiright? Now if you are conservative AND xenophobic on the other hand... maybe you oppose illegal immigration.
  9. So, apparently the "right way" for a bank robbery is to kill any witnesses. He got creative and conned decoys into showing up... and he gets an 8.5 from local bank robbery critic Byron Bevard. What's this world coming to?
  10. I heard him say it... erm I mean I heard Joe Biden say it. Like 10 times. A minute. And then he repeated himself. THATS when I knew he was serious.
  11. The constitution doesn't say anything about how the Free Market should be allowed to give hand jobs to bank execs while they skate away with the stolen assets of American home owners... Some regulation is absolutely necessary to keep the economy working for the general population, not the elite few.
  12. Get the charges reversed, standard procedure. Sucks but thank god they didnt bash out a window and then take the stuff, you would be out a lot more!
  13. If you have an idea to keep America happily working even though they can no longer afford their 2500 square foot homes and 2 SUVs in the driveway, come up to the front. Until that problem is solved, it's a greed-on-fear cage match to the bottom, and no one wins (not even the spectators). Take either one of them away and we might have a chance at getting out of this with our shirts and shoes intact.
  14. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_cat_bounce for the latest in how World Depression II* is shaping up. *Just as "The Great War" became "World War I" after the second "Great War" that we had to call "World War II", The coming recession/depression/cataclysm will come to be known as "World Depression II". I also predict that a young genius will later go on to prognosticate that "I know not with what financial insturments World Depression III will be fought, but I do know that World Depression IV will be traded on sticks and stones" Let's just hope this is ONLY World Depression II.
  15. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Write-in for the vote you are just dying to waste. I hear that if enough of you say "I believe in Ron Paul", and clap in unison he will come back to life and win the election! Note that I don't have anything against Dr Paul or his ideas (at least the non-radical part) but, I am a realist and am merely facing the sad state of our political process.
  16. Was there supposed to be an 'nt somwhere in there?
  17. lolz where was this guy 38 minutes ago!
  18. Do you know what congress would do with 700 billion dollars? Nothing, I guess. Well, maybe they will think of something better by Friday. /pro bail-out if it means my 401k gets back the 15% it lost this year
  19. The US: 81% Obama 18% McCain. Statistical errors of sample omission, FTL. All of you wonderful pundits who drew conclusions from that site, do the informed electorate a favor and stay home on Nov 4.
  20. I had 2 claims on my insurance for events that werent my fault, neither of which made my rates go up. One was a 'run in' with a city worker and the other was a smash and run in a parking lot. Both were $3000+ claims. State farm FTW.
  21. Its nice during the daytime. I did contract work for a school that's right around the corner from there. The people that *live* around there are fine, its all the trash that washes between 161 and morse rd. Now that they tore down old Northland mall they have to find a new place to ruin.
  22. Considering the criminals are so desperate there? What with the per-capita violent crime rate below the national average and all. Yeah, they are willing to do anything to be mediocre. Go NYC!
  23. That's basically how the "bailout" is set to work, but who really benefits is up in the air. If the money goes to the banks, they can afford to stay afloat and the government have to see out the string of bad mortgages, either by writing them off (when someone goes bankrupt and defaults) or by writing them down (when someone convinces the lender to refinance.) Some people are just as well off at this point if they give up and go bankrupt. They are so far upside-down on their mortgage that even a $100,000 won't bring them back into balance. Remember the key here is risk. If a bank has a 400,000 loan outstanding on a $200,000 house (which is so common now its sick,) the risk is absurdly high that they will never see even half of their money. Even if the person could afford a 300,000 mortage instead of a 400,000 one, there is still too much risk in writing it down. And, what's the point in the borrower holding onto that mortgage? They can get out now and all it costs them is a little bad credit for 7 years. So the banks are going to stay afloat one way or another, the question is: who wins? If the govt buys the mortgages straight away from the banks at an inflated value, the banks clearly win (In a "moral hazard", corporate socialism kind of way). This is what Paulson and the Bush administration argued for at the start. On the other hand, if the mortgages are bought up in exchange for a stake in the bank's success, there is a marginal chance the govt can recoup the losses on buying the mortgages. Then, the banks kind of win and the govt kind of wins (in a general socialist kind of way). And finally, if the govt buys really bad mortgages and at the same time forces banks to refinance any mortgage they think will end up retaining a homeowner, the banks kind of win, the F*d homeowners kind of win, and the govt's (or the rest of the taxpayers') only consolation is that the housing crisis will be that much closer to being over. This option may be the least socialistic of them all, since it goes further toward sticking the banks with the mess they created, for the long term. So which scenario would you vote for?
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