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Posts posted by Tinman

  1. They'll be running pro course right? 1:30-ish would be my complete SWAG


    I'm guessing pro course also. Mid Ohio is tough to pass at and they'll need to run the pro course for that extra deep braking zone.


    I was thinking just a tad slower. The Nationwide cars don't have the power of the Cup cars but still have the extreme heft. My three beer deep guess is 1:33.56 will get the pole.

  2. I have a chassis that will be powder coated but not for at least six months. In the few weeks it has been in my garage some slight surface rust is forming, before it develops too far I want to wire brush it away and apply something to prevent future rust from forming. I know WD40 is a no no but was hoping there was some type of oil or anything else that I could rub her down with that won't present a problem when it comes time for the powder coat. Any ideas or suggestions?
  3. Hmm, how much of a pain in the ass is it to sign up for non SCCA members?


    Will a NASA comp license allow me in the advanced group or do I have to go through a bunch of SCCA crap?


    How many cars in the run groups?


    I'm not hating on the SCCA, but I've never heard anything good about their structure and moronic rules and don't want to be hassled or forced to run in the novice group just because I have not attending one of their events yet.

  4. I'll be heading up early in the morning. If anyone needs track tires, tools, canopies, or anything else transported to the track, I have plenty of room in my truck and trailer. You'll have to drop off and pick up afterwards in Johnstown.


    Like Andy, I am more than willing to offer advice on how to get around Nelson Ledges, unlike Andy, I will not sit in your passenger seat, that guy is crazy for doing so. If you want some pointers, find me in the paddock, I'll be driving the black RX7 #387.

  5. Just drove way too far into the state up North to pick up the new project.




    Should be on the road in the standard CR "two weeks"

  6. HI my name is phil, im an alcoholic. i have lil man syndrome and try to fight anyone taller than me, im a chronic masterbater, i love woman sometimes, i love myself all the time. i have an ego larger than jones german porn collection, i live laveshly in a 2 bedroom apt and have secks with just about anything after 2 budlights. dont judge me im a classy guy. sadly ill have to decline your invitation as im not a course racer. havent even thought about going out there to watch it let alone race.Thanks anyway. this is meant more for drag racing.


    If that wasn't so well said I would have given you much shit. I wish you the best in you're straight line domination of CR. But please consider trying a real beer. Bud Light is just way too stereotypical.

  7. What happened to real call outs? Shit talking ? People actually challenging one another ? Only thing I see anymore is Hal bashing beater camaro, gabe doing a poor job of trolling, Paul white just being a dick to everyone in a sad attempt of recycled insults, and d wiggs getting laughed off the site?? Damn it's good guys weekend and no one has made any valid call outs. I never thought I'd see the day that jones is the baddest dude in cr.....


    I don't know you, I don't know what you drive, I care nothing about either.


    7-21-12, Nelson Ledges. Fastest lap time for $1000.


    Bring it!

  8. I've been looking for a couple of months for a car exactly like that for a certain project but couldn't find the right one and have moved on to another project.


    The price is great and should go fast.


    If someone here buys it and needs parts, let me know. I have a complete parts car I will be parting out for the next month.

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