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Everything posted by Sturg1647545502

  1. Dustin Diamond is broke and he dosent want to do porn to save his house... www.getDshirts.com
  2. good stuff. even better is i got a call and my phoine was set on vibrate while watching the "Cooter Zapping". sacred the living hell out of me.
  3. we have an suby, and like it. that being said.... From what ive read the evo will take more hp on the stock block(50-75more ponies). also i have heard that the wrx/sti boxter engine takes modifications less smoothly than the evos will. also as far as handleing and braking the evo stock setuup takes the cake on the track. BUUUUTTT for us the most important issue was reliability, bcause we are driving it every day as a fun and a DD. The engine we have never had a problem with but a year and a half ago with 20k on the clock, we did have to replace the brass in the tranny... i depends on what you are trying to do with the car. how much HP are you trying to get, and what mods do you have in mind
  4. i want to know what on the other side of the rail...its looks like a steep drop off, with wolves at the bottom wolves with STDs
  5. $5000 ride and he wont even remember it. good thing he threw down the extra 20 for the video
  6. BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA self- inflicted natural selection
  7. look at the bmw Z3m coup. you can pick the one up at M.A.G. for 21k.
  8. Link Listen to the report. It affects everyone here. It talkes about how the US Justice dept. is looking at using ISPs to get IP adresses of child touchers and Terrorist. as of right now, the Justrice Dept. has to first request this from ISP before any recording is done. What some are proposing is for ISP to have to record all the actions of every IP adress in the US, for not only kid touchers and terrorist activity, but for every day shit, like music downloading, and regular internet usage(porn). This obviously worries the hell out of the ISPs with concerns about storage, cost and like considerations. This is just another exemplary action in a long row of many about how we are slowly but surely loosing our privacy in the US. This has been happening since bush Sr, continued while Clinton was in office, and is now with W Bush. Its not a left wing/ right wing issue. this is an american citizen issue. Devils Advocate any cost incured by the ISP would we passed on to Us, the consumers. what about extending the use for unethical corperations, such as Enron? In theory it would work, but money talks. Just another oppertunity for someone to get a bribe. The world is flat, and the internet is the hammer. Maybe it is time to update our laws for something so commonly used in every day activites, private or for business.
  9. Oh wait...ehre it is http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma$e
  10. what happened to Mase.. he went from Puffy's bitch to rapper to preacher to comback rapper(p-diddy's bitch) to______?
  11. Thanks for the suggestions, but im going allthe way to brazil, the majority of what im bringing back is going to be brazilian cigars. Im not being completly closeminded, and will probably end up with a cornucopia of tobacco. (hence the need for a humidor) If i want cubans, ill take a fieldtrip up to Windsor(despite the USD being shit right now)
  12. Vvvvvvvddduuubbbbb Holding It Down In The Middle East
  13. i played at hoover all the time. this last year i moved off of campus down lane towards 33 with out even knowing i have a frizbee golf course in my back yard. I ve been playing for a couple years, and i refuse to use more than 2 disks...
  14. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Supras-For-Sale-1995-MKIV-93-98_W0QQitemZ4645689329QQcategoryZ6447QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 10k on a new paintjob, 10k on hookers
  15. nope. this year my roommate and i threw down $100 for a used washers and dryer...hella cheaper and convenient.
  16. yea i would be open to that. I dont know if i can get mainstream cigars but i immagine i would be able to. The tobacco is often grown in brazil, but the cigars themselfs are rolled in their designated places( not brazil). ill do some asking around and see what is forsale. give me a laundry list of possible cigars, and i could also bring back some brazillian cigars that are good, just not mainstream.
  17. Going to Brazil in a month and planning on bringing back some cigars yet i have no humidor. ive heard diamond crown, credo and craftman's bench are good brands, but an open to any thing that will do the job. Looking for 75-150 box. possibly working something out wherei can bring you back some cigars thanks Brian
  18. you are clear for landing http://www.funnypics.dk/fpid109.html
  19. maybe they needed jesus in their lives
  20. i would like to see some one from the cia, fbi,atf, whoever, sit down and with proof and knock these ideas down. of course that will NEVER happen. Just like anything in the media, i dont put full trust into what is being presented to me( i am a very cynical and skeptial person by nature...most into political sciecne and international studies have to be). this being said, i would like to see this information either backed up or knocked down. they are highlighting some very serious statements in this video. LJ: what was the class you took? i love practical applications like that. have any of the articles left over? id really like to get my hands of them!
  21. ill take my digital camera with me each time i go this year.
  22. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5137581991288263801 makes you think.
  23. It was on HBO lastnight, called Baghdad ER. Speaks for it self, daily lives of medics, nurses and Docs in a military hospital in baghdad. Interesting stuff. i work in an er here in columbus, and i obviously found it hitting very close to home. The documentary puts faces to the death toll you read about every dad in the paper( for thoes not in the armed forces) It is on "on-demand" which is free if you have HBO from time warner. check it out.
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