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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. How old was the son? My -almost- 4 year old kept wanting to touch cars, and i kept having to tell him not to touch, lol. Little kids dont understand that shit yet...
  2. I just tried to find the like button... damn I'm getting confused in my old age...
  3. I spotted a couple of you ricers on Friday evening at QSL...
  4. looks like he did just what he should have done... and after the film cuts out, he is probably on his way back to grid anyway, lol.
  5. In before some rich republican private citizen puts up a $200k reward to embarrass this assclown, lol.
  6. Who is going to Good Guys tomorrow? I am probably going to bring up my mini-me in the afternoon to spectate and watch my super-pal Danny do his thing at the autox....
  7. Joe, you're a dick. Making that poor old man go out and move his car... you should have just gotten in through your passenger side!
  8. Must.resist.urge.to.make.obscene.hot.sister.joke....
  9. haha, we were just talking about those at lunch today, one of my buddies that does a lot of work travel is planning on buying one. 84mpg, and starting price of $6,800, I would too! And, its gas powered, so MORE POWER can always be made, lol.
  10. Who was the wimp you went down on? Paul? Seems like a slow way to travel, and his back had to be killing by the time you got there.
  11. pssssh, sharks are not the concern... http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/godzilla-huge-shark-eaten-by-mystery-sea-monster-according-to-scientists/story-fnjwkt0b-1226947396017
  12. awesome!!! good work! Loved your lines.
  13. It's happened at Putnam before as well... driver didnt die (no instructor), but he sure came close.
  14. That sucks Wags, Im sure you will make up for it elsewhere, you're a talented writer.
  15. Its been said, but to summarize: - Just pay your deductible if need be now, to get your car fixed, as insurance will most likely settle on no fault accident. - At the same time, preferably before insurance settles, take him to small claims court. You have witnesses, you can get the officer to come in, or at least hte report, and you have logical sense on your side. - Learn from this, dont road rage, and when it is obvious someone else is, just get yourself out of their way and the situation... you may not have had to deal with any of this had that occurred.
  16. DHarris asked about my handgun collection, so thought I would share the details. Mostly all smith and Wesson revolvers... S&W model 617 22LR (stupid accurate and easy to shoot) http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/3ab001d31138c9ae2e35a22ee0bce5ce_zpsca165c81.jpg S&W model 686 357 mag (modified trigger) http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/aefd78ce8134d2f1cb07fdae704f65d4_zps0cf17b73.jpg Matching S&W model 66 357 mag http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/b083728c066a5444e7c1c5ffabb05abf_zps012bbcea.jpg S&W model 60 38 special http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/6729deec52ef7c3608e6df15627f2c0a_zps42629476.jpg S&W model 686 357 mag http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/4fbe74df97e3bb241156086e2b9242e7_zpsd40f76aa.jpg S&W model 357 mag http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/9f81ba40852912c865c543649d65f9a4_zpsffb3ff2d.jpg Taurus pt-92 9mm (I love shooting this gun) http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/6cd1581c216fb042f3380995a7bd3e65_zpsebad960d.jpg Browning Challenger 22LR http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/cd062be3928ca4ab6815c735e4b2059c_zpsb52c6e4a.jpg S&W model 651 convertible http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/df75b57784ed351691d0c0e3937bac78_zpsf1e3472e.jpg Virginian 22 convertible http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/bcb440388c96233f35584c5577af37c7_zpsa179b6a6.jpg Virginian Dragoon 44 mag http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/9fd47502c851722b0dbe749e9462bdd1_zps535fad1e.jpg Browning Medalist 22LR http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/73abc7dd1fe1d54974ce5d21f52d76af_zpsc77319b1.jpg
  17. Hey, did you know this is a Jellynose Fish. I am glad I could be the first to tell you in this thread.
  18. awesome!! A cool track for sure.
  19. First was done by Spade Kreations in Cincinnati. They did a stellar job, but for sure the most expensive around here. After my accident, I had Source1 Automotive do the rear bumper and trunk lid, as their price was MUCH better, they also did a great job.
  20. Got some love from Forgeline on their FB page and on their website. :fuckyeah: http://www.forgeline.com/customer_gallery_view.php?cvk=1083 https://www.facebook.com/forgeline/photos/a.83952837884.79796.83936612884/10152234592542885/?type=1&theater :marc:
  21. they were actually posted on their ebay page for sale. I just called them up and said I would buy them direct, so i didnt have to wait for bidding to close and what not. But as J-rod says, other places have them, and I know that Dino's was the same price as CPAP
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