Let me just clear this retardedness up real quick....
What made me know it was yet another dumbasses personal conspiracy theory, is that, like most dumbasses, they dont know how the world works, so they make it up in their mind and sell it as fact to the ignorant. And that was the most basic fact around the patent....
When a patent is filed by a corporation, the inventors of the invention do not get royalties or great riches from it. If you file a patent, as an inventor, for a corporation, the corporation OWNS the patent and you are little more than the inventor, and the corporation "might" give you some small prize money for your patent. Most large corporations make employees sign their patent rights away, from the standpoint if they come up with any inventions that they patent, that they got hte knowledge of from their job, the company owns that patent as well.
So hte basic premise of this conspiracy is asinine.
Also, for future reference, when something like this comes out and says "spread this as fast as possible" (sense of urgency)... chances are it is fake and they just want their lie to go viral.
And if you dont believe that, but believe snopes... here you go: