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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Where'd you get a house?!? Maybe we can be neighbors!!!! Wouldn't that be awesome?!?!?!?!
  2. I think you should get a c6 base, buy a used built engine, turbo it, and put a widebody on it. That's just good investing.
  3. Either way, at least we can all agree, should just buy a Corvette instead...
  4. I'd be utterly annoyed to have to change a clutch every 10k miles.... #richpeopleproblems
  5. Where's Dave Wiggles when you need him to answer a question...
  6. do I wanna know how you know that? Let alone WTF he is doing in Alaska...
  7. And fuck you Obama for picking Harvard, and fuck you to all the analysts that also had them as the upset. Goddammit I am not happy.
  8. JuicedH22

    Missing Plane

    yea, after I posted I realized there were like 10 posts before me saying basically the same thing, lolol
  9. JuicedH22

    Missing Plane

    Let me just clear this retardedness up real quick.... What made me know it was yet another dumbasses personal conspiracy theory, is that, like most dumbasses, they dont know how the world works, so they make it up in their mind and sell it as fact to the ignorant. And that was the most basic fact around the patent.... When a patent is filed by a corporation, the inventors of the invention do not get royalties or great riches from it. If you file a patent, as an inventor, for a corporation, the corporation OWNS the patent and you are little more than the inventor, and the corporation "might" give you some small prize money for your patent. Most large corporations make employees sign their patent rights away, from the standpoint if they come up with any inventions that they patent, that they got hte knowledge of from their job, the company owns that patent as well. So hte basic premise of this conspiracy is asinine. Also, for future reference, when something like this comes out and says "spread this as fast as possible" (sense of urgency)... chances are it is fake and they just want their lie to go viral. And if you dont believe that, but believe snopes... here you go: http://www.snopes.com/politics/conspiracy/malaysiapatent.asp
  10. On linn's pictures. The first was an accident between a lambo and "stangkiller's" truck, an accident that was caused because they couldn't see through the smoke that was caused by stangkiller's camaro that had ran over something on the highway, which is the car in the 2nd pic getting put on a flatbed.
  11. Well, i completely missed my first two meetings of hte morning, but made my 3rd on time. So I guess since I was completely absent to those meetings, I was not "late" to them. I will let you guys know how the insurance thing works out... The school district people that showed up this morning told me that an adjuster would be calling me Monday-Tuesday next week to come look at car...
  12. I was stopped at a red light to turn right... rear ended, by a school bus no less... And to make it even more theatrically appropriate, I had a coffee in my hand that proceeded to go everywhere.... i'm fine, no one was hurt, no kids on the bus...
  13. Congrats Paul. Looks like a nice car!
  14. I'm not sure Rob will tow you back with his 4 wheeler that far from home...
  15. meh. 8/10 for intent, 2.3/10 for execution.
  16. I do think porsches are awesome machines though....
  17. Don't get a porsche... I dont want to have to associate you with douchebags and twats....
  18. For Farkas: http://www.chinacartimes.com/wp-content/chevrolet-cruze-china-pink-1-620x435.jpg
  19. NAILED IT! http://cdn.acidcow.com/pics/20130219/ugly_cars_01.jpg
  20. http://0.tqn.com/d/cars/1/0/z/2/3/consulier_gtp.jpeg
  21. http://www.autointhenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Skelta-image.jpg
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