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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Yes, he played horrible last night, the whole team did.... but you cant deny his "body of work".... Oh, and you can see the wide open reciever in that gif.... but its not like missed open receivers in a collapsing pocket doesnt happent to the best of receivers.
  2. Kinda like OSU playing Miami.... But yea, good game to get the confidence up and get things moving. Pitt's problem is all the coaching fiasco changes. The team has the talent with Sunseri and Graham, but they are suffering from the typical 'new coach' problems of the lines and 'team' settling into a new program/coaching/plays/etc... If I had to guess I would say they will be a completely different team by middle/end of hte season.
  3. What a game by my Bearcats last night! Munchie is still not the best QB, as he threw a LOT of passes at the feet of receivers (but i suppose that is better than overthrowing an getting an INT) but he showed he does have good wheels at times.
  4. I can't even spell fasechus. But yes I am bitter about hte crumbling of what was already a 'hard to get respect' BE conference; that ultimately is losing AQ status. And the fact now UC will be back in the shadows not playing any particularly good teams... and even the tried and true monster basketball conference is going down the drains... and that is where UC has it's real history. AD made an announcement when B12 'rumblings' started stating UC's "full support" to the BE.... fawking stupid.
  5. Hey, fuck you buddy. Are you some newb? PS, I suppose I should support my buddy's new chain he recently helped expand; Stacked Pickle http://www.stackedpickle.com .... 3 locations, Carmel, Fishers, and downtown.
  6. Lets talk about little insignificant teams.... I am willing to bet if WVU was still in BE, they would not be ranked in the top 10... but now they are big 12, so magically that makes them much better. In other news, I wish UC's AD was smart enough to have jumped ship with everyone else last year from BE...
  7. JuicedH22


    There's only 3 types of people in this world; dicks, assholes, and pussies. If it wasn't for the dicks, the assholes would shit all over the pussies.
  8. Psssh, it's just lunch. I still say man up and go to St Elmo's.... haha.
  9. Hey assholes, the guy already went to Indy, and ate... and is back home now. He unfortunately did not choose Shula's or St. Elmos... so I am disappoint
  10. I'm not a Michigan fan, but at least they had the balls to open a season against a top SEC school, instead of opening against a MAC school...
  11. So glad Party Source is only 20 minutes away for me...
  12. Luckily for me, my dick only has to please one person..... me.
  13. The Vette makes 'em wet. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_XuhxUiPyY6g/SFMp3WhF2tI/AAAAAAAAACk/wnnAhdyqVJo/s320/billpaxtonsummer%2B011.jpg
  14. You really shouldnt get so mad all the time, its taking years off your life.
  15. http://krishashok.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/imgres-2.jpeg%3Fw%3D600
  16. I remember when CR had fast cars... now its just you silly ricers talking all the talk. :lolguy: (the fast guys on here gave up on you having any hope I guess)
  17. probably thought he got cut off or something... who knows... road rage?
  18. aaaw, look at the cute slow cars talking about who is slower...
  19. I was going to say, they reported on hte news this morning that the flood walls at Plaquemines Parish had been breached and was under 12' water in places...
  20. lulz... reminds me of one time when I was in San Fran partying w/ my buddies several years ago... when we were "in a band" my buddy had just told some girl that at some bar we were at, and it spread like wildfire I guess, we became very popular... LOL. PS. that dude walked like he had a gerbil in his ass...
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