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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. thank you top gear for giving me a better euro-shit car education.... I would cry if that was the only thing on the road...
  2. yea, no 'true' sports car is going to be good for a very large person... out of the 90th percentile.... Here is Jeremy in another friend's c6z... (before it turned white and won the Optima Street Car Challenge ) http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/281491_2278044636526_2607971_n.jpg I cant find any good pictures of his seat set-up in his c5 though...
  3. would we all drive exotic sports cars, or econo-grocery/kid haulers?
  4. I'm 6'4" and have not issues. One of my super corvette pals, who does quite a bit more road racing than me, is 6'6" 230 lbs and he has no issues.... well, actually he has his seat mounted directly to the floor to have no issues with a helmet on.
  5. excellent, now go pick up a basic suspension design book and we can get you to understand that as well. I recommend most SAE publications.
  6. my jimmies were thoroughly rustled while also rustling jimmies
  7. yew dumn but thanks for playing peanut gallery.
  8. yes, that is how you look. srsly any time you want to race my inferior built corvette, in any type of motorsport (other than offroad/rally, lol) let me know as I would be glad to keep the above look on your face.
  9. Confirmed, there must be an alarm somewhere in the exit route, but it does NOT have to be integral to the door by any means... http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_id=17456&p_table=FEDERAL_REGISTER http://www.osha.gov/OshDoc/data_General_Facts/emergency-exit-routes-factsheet.pdf
  10. I believe law dictates that emergency exits be clearly marked, not alarmed...
  11. yup. If you want to argue that point you highlighted with me, you're blind. Granted you are ignorant to automotive design... but you're talking to someone who isnt. :dumb:
  12. Hardly lost on me. I think it is on you though? misleading due to driver error? We are not talking one lap and done here. Of course a sample size of 1 doesnt mean much. And to say "it's the tires" is also silly. Considering any properly designed suspension STARTs with the tires, and the design assumptions around what will be ran. this is true from an economy car up to an F1 car. A cars ability to 'handle' is directly proportional to how fast it can turn, or g's it can handle... which is why the skidpad was invented to begin with. Therefore looking at road course lap times, averaged or fastest lap on a session even along with skidpad data, is really hte only way I personally would "judge" the handling capability of a car. Everything else is too subjective.
  13. Fuck... it is a decade old now... dammit, getting old sucks. LOL
  14. well, Just calling it like I see it? yea, we shouldnt use lap times and actual data to make judgements, we should use opinion... that makes sense!
  15. Oh, its true... While I dont think any "new" production models dont offer power windows, its still very common to see them without. even the Enzo didnt have them, I am pretty sure. I think it can be said for power steering as well.
  16. That's a pretty subjective question, dont you think?
  17. Hey retard, you're talking to someone who has owned BMWs, MB, and several japanese cars... Hell, I still own an infiniti.... I am not bashing import brands at all, I am calling you a retard for bashing USDM... So, what's laughable exactly?
  18. You're an idiot. Sorry thought process went over your head. You keep spouting off the term handling, yet when numbers that show an american car can handle well, you dismiss it. Are you bitter a german sedan doesnt have the fastest lap around the 'ring? (which filed for bankruptcy on an unrelated note)
  19. Tell me what part it shares with the economy car... other than a fucking radio, i bet you can. Just another clown who spouts off that dumb line. Ferraris still use crank windows... what a piece of JUNK!
  20. Yea, leaf spring suspension is inferior... I mean NO real fast cars run them... and they could never beat competition loaded with coilover suspension designs.... oh wait, that's not true at all.
  21. Its a culture difference dumdums... In America, the general perception of "luxury" and "good ride" is soft and floats down the road... In Europe, the general perception of "luxury" is more "sporty" by american standards, its more firm, etc... Different cultures, with different thought processes, they may change, but that is histrocial precendnt. You idiots that talk about how superior the handling is of german cars, think American car manufactures dont know "how" to make a stiff proper road carving suspension, the truth is, they dont want to! There are plenty of examples that show USDM mfgr's can make stiff suspension if it 'wants' to, and rival/beat the pants off non-USDM mfgr's on a track. Next you are going to go full audi-fag and talk about how sweet the interior is.
  22. I hate you for posting that ghostrider video... I couldnt help but watch it all, lol. It was addicting to watch, other than the ricing around in the wrx's at the end...
  23. holy shit... it is miraculous that he avoided darwin on that ride...
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