Its a culture difference dumdums...
In America, the general perception of "luxury" and "good ride" is soft and floats down the road...
In Europe, the general perception of "luxury" is more "sporty" by american standards, its more firm, etc...
Different cultures, with different thought processes, they may change, but that is histrocial precendnt.
You idiots that talk about how superior the handling is of german cars, think American car manufactures dont know "how" to make a stiff proper road carving suspension, the truth is, they dont want to! There are plenty of examples that show USDM mfgr's can make stiff suspension if it 'wants' to, and rival/beat the pants off non-USDM mfgr's on a track. Next you are going to go full audi-fag and talk about how sweet the interior is.