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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Yea, I went to one of them this spring.
  2. Got in my closest competitive race by far on my new setup. This was against a MKIV Supra with a GT42-94R, granted this was NOT his fastest run of the night, and it was my fastest run... all the numbers on our timeslips were crazy close. I had a 1.57' he had a 1.63; he had me at the line by 0.01s and a higher trap by 0.5mph Darth Vader supervised the wheel swap... http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8011/7268583076_a52922c706_o.jpg
  3. Her family deserve the same poverty for taking advantage... I bet they knew too...
  4. There SHOULD be a criminal charge for false charge, but she was 15, so who knows if htat will happen. And as far as civil suits go, He can file a civil suit against her, her family, the state, the attorney, etc.... I hope he does, and gets PLENTY of money, especially considering the extenuating circumstances of his potential career future. The school can also file suit against her family for the return of the money...
  5. You could get people to concede losses without even racing them with that car!
  6. BTW, I heard a rumor that you were so scared of D Wiggs, that to demonstrate your conceded loss to him, you are selling the SL.
  7. Even still, with a car that traps 195mph, that is a HUGE statement. tip of the hat, sir.
  8. It's about fatalities and serious accidents... The number of accidents from things like "lane hogging" (where things like road rage comes in), driving while talking, and headlights... PALE in comparison to accidents caused by a speeding motorist. Their job is to PROTECT the people, that protection is significantly improved when speed laws are enforced. If cops were trying to be dicks and just ticket people for speeding, everyone going 1-4 MPH over the speed limit would be ticketed, and everyone knows that is not the case. I regularly pass police going 5-7 mph over the speed limit and the officer wont even blink. I have been TOLD by many officers and hwy patrol as long as I keep it under XX, I will be fine. One of these being a highland heights officer on i75 (they patrol the shit out of that stretch of 75), that as long as I kept it under 70mph (the speed limit is 55mph there) no one would ever bother me. (he even let me off with a warning that night). And guess what, I have proven that point many times. In general, police will NEVER have a good reputation when it comes to traffic law, because 90% of people will complain when they get a traffic ticket. And the excuse is usually always hte same "why dont you after real criminals" guess what? they do that was well. PS, I say that as someone who has had their licence revoked for pts (13 pts) all due to speeding, and has been pulled over more times than I have fingers and toes. And while it sucks every time I get a ticket, I STILL respect the officers position.
  9. Well this guy took the extra step to stop and park, and continually warn everyone, which is why he got cited I imagine... And it was a civil lawsuit, so they 'had' to go through litigation of some sort... probably hardly more money than settling out of court I imagine... And it really bothers me when people complain about police/hwy patrol that set up to stop speeders.... Its an important part of the job. if they didnt, and there was zero fear of getting speeding tickets, the law would be broken by many, and it has been PROVEN increasing patrol, or police presence REDUCES the number of fatal car accidents, significantly.
  10. Wait, I just have a revelation... You just went 7.39@195mph... and you said the Supra is the slow car... compared to the lambo.... un-freaking-real...
  11. I have been flashing my headlights to warn of police for nearly the entire 14 yeras i have been driving.... never been pulled over, probably saved many-a-driver getting a speeding ticket... Karma has repaid the favor several times as well...
  12. For you bike guys... plenty to race or strace... http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b65/Bucon/bikestnl.jpg
  13. Going on again this week, foolz... plenty of stracing before and after event as well (KOS usually gets done ~10:30-11pm)
  14. needs less lip, or more fender.... wait you're doing the hellastance stuff, nevermind
  15. hold him accountable? We're talking about shit talk over the internet? Wait, internet: serious business... my bad
  16. I like you JP, but you really have a hard-on for this dude
  17. that's horrible... and maybe its just having kids, but that was really really really hard to watch, i had to just go to the end to see if he got out... then had to google to find if the kid was okay. I seriously felt sickened. http://fox2now.com/2012/05/22/parenting-fail-dad-locks-kid-in-running-washing-machine/
  18. Yea, I mean, who does that? oh, wait....
  19. Quite possibly the only import that can best the 8.29 mustangs at the King of the Streets comp here locally... Would be nice to see someone else take home the weekly $1k.
  20. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7245/7222725302_6fc91138fe_o.jpg
  21. clearly, he did have a limit. too soon?
  22. I heard a guy on an orange busa saying your shit is weak... or something like that... going to come prove 'em wrong?
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