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400 HO

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Everything posted by 400 HO

  1. Man my mortgage on my 1st house was less than that!!!! Man that's a lot of money!!!!!
  2. 400 HO

    Pontiac GTO

    Yeah.. I'm kinda into GTO's myself.... Just the 37 year old type!!
  3. Thats not a bad idea... My nephews as you can probably tell are from "Southern Ohio".. so I guess that's then newest thing down there!! My mother inlaw is asking me to try to find a set for them.. but I keep telling her.. I can't search for "PLAYBOY" here at work (where I have a fast connection) I was hoping someone on here has seen them at Pep boys or Autozone and I can swing by and pick them up. (Man that will be an embarssing purchase) "Hey look at my Playboy Floor Mats!! Ain't I graemlins/gay.gif "
  4. I just ate.. but now I'm at work until 08:00am!!! Anyone else have to work today???
  5. My 2 nephews are looking for playboy floor mats for their cars (Their both 16!!) Any help where I can find these???? Please any help would be great!!!! *Seriously.. these are not for me!!!
  6. [/qb] Turd Ferguson is not a dude.[/QB] OWNED!!!!!
  7. AMEN BROTHER!!!! Now I guess he can work on his Rap Album. Dick!! I have no respect for the NBA.. You couldn't give me tickets to ANY NBA game.
  8. Nice Makeup Mirror!!! graemlins/gay.gif
  9. I got a good laugh from a few of these!! http://www.damicosite.homestead.com/files/A000004.jpg http://www.damicosite.homestead.com/files/A000006.jpg http://www.damicosite.homestead.com/files/A000008.jpg http://www.damicosite.homestead.com/files/A000009.jpg
  10. Was the singer retarted too?????? It sounded like it when he was singing.. but after he's done.. he sounds normal. My wife would kill me for laughing at this.. she works with retarted kids.
  11. It's an EX 4dr Sedan Auto. 4cyl. VTEC
  12. 400 HO

    Winter Projects?

    New Auburn Posi.. Flow Master 40 seris 2.5".. and (if in the budget.. A new Holly 850cfm Double Pumper!!) I can't wait to hit the track on these!!!
  13. I'm looking to buy a used 2000 Honda Accord (30,000 mile) for the wife and I had a question for all you guys. Now I've done this many times.. but I never seem to get it right. I was wondering how you guys felt about how much should I be willing to nego. off the price. I need at least $2500 off the sticker price. Do you think that's honestly too much or is that too little. The car is listed at 13,500. I need at least $2500 off to break even on my trade (1997 Camry). I never pay sticker!! I want to negociate a fair price. Any thoughts??
  14. Well Guys.. How'd it go today?????
  15. All in favor to change Anthony's name to Ruben Studder, say I.. Anthony, I don't know you that well, but from what I've seen these last few weeks, I'm impressed.
  16. Whenever the next event is.. I would like to attend!!!
  17. That's amazing!!! graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. This is total fucking bullshit!!! Marine Being a former Marine... You go into these situations not to arrest and detain.. but to seek and destroy. This is WAR people!!!! If I were there, I'd never let another camera man get within 100 yards of my platoon!!! This is totally wrong. Let them do their fucking job!!!!!!! That is all.
  19. Un-fucking believable!!!!! graemlins/nonono.gif
  20. Dude... thats it!!!!! Do you remember what that Comedian's nams was??? He was funny as shit!!!! Thanks!!!
  21. Sweet Vinny!!! Got to love these oldy but goodys!!! Seeing you pull the body off the frame makes me want to do the same to mine. Was it hard??
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