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400 HO

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Everything posted by 400 HO

  1. There was a comedian once who made references to things in supermarkets that you could take as being a racist.. for example... "Did you ever wonder why they put green olives are in a jar, while the BLACK olives are in a can!!!!" There were some others.. but I can't remember.. does anyone remember this??? It was funny as shit!!!
  2. 400 HO


    Represent'n Carnegie.... Born and Raised Yo!!!!
  3. Nice times Joel... Man I wish I could have gone. I'm waiting until I get my new exhaust system on the Goat. I'm curious to see what I'll run. I've never been on a track before. Spring can't come soon enough.
  4. 400 HO


    Born and raised there myself.. Stillers are da best Yoy and Double Yoy!!!! By the way.. all you Steeler fans.. I got 2 tickets to the Jacksonville game in Jacksonville on 12/5 and me and a friend are going on a road trip to support the team!!! (Actually we're flying down Sat. and going to spend some time at the beach (I have a great wife to let me do some shit like this!!!!!) Steelers will be there in February in Super Bowl 39!!! Ohhh Fuck Yeah!!!!!!!
  5. 400 HO

    Off the List

    Hey Alex.. Since my bike has crashed and burned to the ground.. You can probably take me off the Top 15 list. (Bada Bing - 1994 CBR900RR) Thanks Bud!!!
  6. Hey Hoosier.. is that "Toonces The Driving Cat" in your Avitar?? Man I loved that skit on SNL.
  7. Psht.. Come on!! A NWS for that?? She riding a Pony!! It doesn't even show any part of her body.
  8. Anyone living in Johnstown ain't THAT rich. I've seen it around town a few times (I think) but you really can't open it up and let her fly down main street. Looks like a nice car.
  9. Is it me or does anyone else think Laci Peterson was HOT AS SHIT!!! Man how could you kill that!!!
  10. I got it... Any challengers??????
  11. The ODB will live on forever... Long Live the ODB!!! (I have no idea what the fuck I'm saying right now!!)
  12. I heard on the news last night that we were able to view the International Space Station as it flies over Columbus. I went outside and sure as shit.. at exactly 6:48pm.. it was like a big moving star right above my head. It's like watching a far off airplane flying over but without the blinking light. It was pretty cool. I took my son out with me and we watched it move accross the sky. Here is a link that shows when and where it will be available to be seen. You goota check this out. http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/cities/viewsighting.cgi?Columbus.html
  13. I know it's pretty graemlins/gay.gif but I just wanted to scare the shit out of someone. Oh well.. Thanks for looking!!!
  14. This is a car ad from somewhere. When they finished filming the ad the people who made it noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist making a whistling noise. The ad was never put on TV because the unexplained ghostly phenomenon frightened the production team out of their wits. Watch it and about halfway look and you will see the white mist crossing in front of the car then following it along the road...Spooky!... http://www.radiolaughs.com/download/Classic_.mpg
  15. Ahhhh.. the joys of owning an OLD car!!!!!
  16. I would definately go with the 2 post lifts. Man if I could only talk the wife into that one!!!
  17. WOW!! That looks awesome. I can't wait to get me GTO done!!!
  18. Awesome!!!! graemlins/grin2.gif
  19. Does anyone ever plan on purchasing a Satellite Radio for your vehicle?? I was thinking about buying some stock in Sirius and XM and I wanted to get some input as to what you guys (and gals) thought. I know Sirius will probably go big with Stern being on there. This might be like 1979 before Cable invaded the world. Boy if I could have bought some stock in CNN or ESPN at that time!!!! graemlins/doh.gif
  20. How about the effects of addicting behaviors on public websites!!!! graemlins/grin2.gif
  21. I was just at Dennis Pontiac yesterday. They have a BEAUTIFUL 2005 Bonneville GXP right outside the showroom in that new Tri-Coat Gold color. If anyone is passing by.. YOU GOTTA stop and see this car!!! The color is AWESOME!!! It's got the Caddy Northstar V8 engine and it runs a mier $38,000!!!! That's way too much coin for me, but man is it pretty! Being a GTO fan.. I would take this car over a GTO in a heartbeat. Just my .02 cents
  22. Check this out. I've never used them.. but it's a start. http://www.cycletrader.com/services.html?transport
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