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Everything posted by SHIEF

  1. SHIEF

    Im Sober!

  2. SHIEF

    Sith Sense

    He couldn't guess "crack". I think the whole "can it be a liquid" thing threw him off smile.gif
  3. No, the person who owns the car needs to take the title with them and proof of ID and just ask for the code. They should be able to pull it off of the VIN # off the title.
  4. Cool, thanks Scott.
  5. Yeah we can just roll them onto the drive-on lift from the truck. Just bring them out whenever if you can during the week. We're off Monday though.
  6. Tom the commercial manager rocks, couldn't ask for a better/hard worker than him. Big Ups to Reynoldsburg AZ smile.gif
  7. We use it at the shop Scott. I'll ask my dad if he wants to pick it up unless you have a easy way to load those into something. Because you know how fun those are to load. I'll let you know.
  8. Funny how I never see the bitch post now... Hope everything works out for you
  9. CS makes me sad....now AA on the other hand > *
  10. Could be your torque converter lock-up solenoid. These tend to go bad causing the tranny to "shudder" when they get hot. After driving with it like this for awhile, it will eventually do it all the time. Go to AutoZone or Napa and look or ask for some tranny shudder additive. Just get one tube/bottle and see if it at least helps with this problem.
  11. You might have stalling problems putting it on the cold side. Alot of SR and KA guys are having this problem while trying to get all the air out of the pipes. You can turn down the bov, but it will leave more air in the pipes. It can be tuned with a piggyback or standalone, to help aid this problem. But it won't hurt to put it on the hot side and you won't have to deal with the stalling issues. Just my .02
  12. Because we all know the new Saleen is well worth the money
  13. Hiro just bought all my Silvia conversion stuff. Nice guy. His daily 240 is nicer than most S13's on the street. Hell, it's not even his fast car (or going to be). It's just a driver!
  14. Nice site. Believe it or not, but AutoZone actually had most of the parts I needed for that car when I fixed something.
  15. Aww, man you gotta put the '85' 200sx turbo in the "Vehicle" part.
  16. Ehh..sorry. It's www.club-s12.org You can get the T28 off of a S14 SR20DET, or a S15 SR20DET. Expect to pay $400ish or more though, being they are a ball-bearing turbo good for around 300whp.
  17. Yo Brian get those injectors if you think you might upgrade to a T28, 370cc's, no wiring needed, from Mudd Butt's friend if he has them. Just need to get a fuel rail made. Oh, and glad you like the car. You'll get used to the "WTF is that" stare smile.gif
  18. The Safc will work, and so will the BTM if you want to go with a T28 (bolt-on) or bigger turbo.
  19. Yes it has AC. Although it's not working, and I haven't put freon/dye in it to see where it's leaking from. Yes it has rear disk brakes (I just put new pads on and turned the rotors.). I don't have any current pics with the 7-spokes on it. Yes you can get aftermarket suspension parts. www.club-s12.com That site is all you need.
  20. Lemme check...yep still a hyundai. +1 Rolla, you said it best about hyundai. Junk cars, yet cheap and reliable.
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