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Everything posted by SHIEF

  1. SHIEF


    Getting that power to the ground = the win Not getting that power down = another year of Omni nightmares smile.gif
  2. Me and my gf will be going on Friday (best day to go imo). I hope Moran gets his shit together and breaks into the 5's.
  3. Me and my gf will be going on Friday (best day to go imo). I hope Moran gets his shit together and breaks into the 5's.
  4. New price $1600 w/ 7-spoke S13 SE wheels, not the ones pictured. New rear tires and 80% left on front.
  5. Yeah co2 looks like the new freon. Alot of newer European cars are already using the co2 systems.
  6. Looks nice Anthony. The simple green looks sharp. Plus with the weight those strips added, you should be able to hit 10's now
  7. Looks nice Anthony. The simple green looks sharp. Plus with the weight those strips added, you should be able to hit 10's now
  8. ...which is not only boring and unimaginative, its wrong. if you are going to play in the kitchen, sheif, youd better step up your game. grammar nazi status will only get you so far. im expecting more from you. </font>Your right Orion, I should've just said "So your posts Eli have no truth behind them, glad you see that." That's better right? Unimaginative but better right? Sorry I'm working on my game, and I'm far from a spelling Nazi as mine if far from perfect. I just didn't care for Eli calling out people over crap that he doesn't understand or have correct.
  9. Good luck on the 'hook-up', being that freon went up double the price. Honestly go to Meijer and get the DIY kit. Check to see if it's R134 or R12, I doubt they'd have R12 there $$$. Just be sure to hook it up on your low-pressure side. It's the blue capped AC line.
  10. I didn't realize I said anything that was 'swinging'...nope I didn't. Spelling first Orion, then comprehending what you've read. You'll get it, just keep trying. I got called out because there was a Buick in the drive, then after I posted next it became quiet. Wonder why....
  11. Learn to spell, then type. Ok, I'll stay out of politics Just learn to spell and stop swingin.
  12. So what your saying is you were wrong in even making posts you had no clue about......super!
  13. Jeff, Sam, just leave him alone. It is apparent that he can talk as much shit/wrong info as he wants. He must drive/build sub 10 second cars all the time. I mean shit...he doesn't have a Buick. He has nothing but the finest auto's money can buy in his drive...
  14. Haha...what a douche. Maybe you missed the 04 Mustang tail light, or how about that trailor? Wonder if there is a 8 and 9 second car in there.... redface.gif Guess that isn't possible being there is a Buick in my drive. graemlins/finger.gif
  15. Yep...... graemlins/popcorn.gif
  16. No, thanks. I've got my eye on something else...
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