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Everything posted by NWill

  1. NWill

    BBQ Sauce

    Brown Sugar I'm picking up another case this weekend. Let me know if you're ever around Worthington
  2. NWill

    BBQ Sauce

    Thanks for the review! I'll forward it to my brother.
  3. What don't you like about them? I'm just curious. My only issues are my DVR recording random shit I have never heard of before and the 2-3 sec reaction time on the menu... which I fucking HATE
  4. I pay $70 for TWC digital/one DVR/RR. At my last place I paid $120 for the same thing but two DVR's instead of one. I cancelled when I moved out then they called and gave me the $70 rate after I told them "I couldn't afford it since I live by myself now." Obviously you can't tell them the same story but maybe you could say "Hey, I'm thinking about switching but blah blah gives me this cheaper rate etc.." My buddy did this a few years ago when he switched from WOW to TWC. He ended up getting $30 off their quoted rate. Edit: At 4th Street Bar & Grill earlier today, all the hooligans there went batshit when their game cut off due to light rain...The bartender said "Sorry....we have satellite."..
  5. NWill

    BBQ Sauce

    On second thought, PM me your addy. I'll send you one free of charge! Awesome, let me know what you think! As I said earlier, I love this stuff. It really is pretty damn good IMHO
  6. NWill

    BBQ Sauce

    Thanks! He just bought a smoker, maybe I could get him to cater some type of CR event to help spread the word and BBQ sammiches
  7. NWill

    BBQ Sauce

    No, it has a little spice to it but not hot by any means. He does make a mean hot sauce, though. He mentioned coming out with "Hog Fire" at some point. He definitely is! Will do! He is close to getting it on the shelves at local Kroger stores. If it does well, hopefully they will make it available more across the state. http://mattshogspitbbq.com/index.php Here is his site. It needs updated. He has been focusing on going store to store, filling out paperwork, etc.
  8. NWill

    BBQ Sauce

    Sorry, Matt's Hog Spit BBQ.
  9. NWill

    BBQ Sauce

    If you like trying new sauces, try my brothers! I'm sure I am biased, but this is my favorite by far. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/541980_10101907803732945_334951770_n.jpg His sauce is avaiable at Whole Foods on Sawmill, Hill's Market, Weiland's and hopefully Kroger soon. If you happen to try it out, let me know what you think Mods: Feel free to delete if this type of advertising isnt allowed
  10. http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/6506/39412236.jpg
  11. Figures, I was shocked when I didn't see it posted somewhere
  12. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/29/reports-miami-zombie-attacker-may-have-been-using-bath-salts/ "A naked man who chewed off the face of another man in what is being called a zombie-like attack may have been under the influence of "bath salts," a drug referred to as the new LSD, according to reports from CNN affiliates in Miami."
  13. NWill

    Apple Pie

    Mine did the same thing, I used cheese cloth draped over a funnel.
  14. I had the same airway at the same time a month ago. We got there at 3:15 and waiteed 45 minutes for the baggage check to even open...
  15. Tried to start my scion to go to work but I left my inverter on so it was dead. Got a ride to go get my supra, battery was dead in it.
  16. I plan on upgrading my Nexus to a hotspot in the next few months, are you saying this could make me lose my unlimited plan?
  17. Just picked up a Nexus after seeing this. The guy at the Verizon store said this will probably happen as early as July, though he seemed to be guessing.
  18. You can get a generic 80pc. set from Harbor Frieght for $10. Just put a good bit on it and I'm sure you'll get 4-5 days out of it
  19. Thanks man, I'll look into getting an iPhone.
  20. I don't get all the banter back and forth about apps crashing. I've had my Samsung Fascinate since December 2010 and have NEVER had anything crash. It has never even been powered off since I bought it.
  21. Nice. The reflection makes me think of maybe setting it on a platform in a tub of water.
  22. :gabe: Really though, my parents had the exact same issue with their place up at Indian Lake. They just asked the neighbors in a wtf kind of tone and the neighbors mowed it from then on. Then again, your neighbors have a couch in their yard so they probably aren't very reasonable
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