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Everything posted by NWill

  1. Thanks! Good question. I have probably have the most time in the wheels and just drawing the templates. Each wheel is 34 pieces. Once I figured that out, the rest was fairly easy. Maybe 25-30 hours? Rough guess.
  2. Never know until you try! I'll be staining it.
  3. Well, kinda. It still needs a few finishing touches and changes, followed by a week of sanding and finishing. It was a fun project for the most part, just wish I had more time. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=922&pictureid=7962
  4. I saw a random cart with $360 worth of pine for $36 at the Dublin Lowes, does that happen often? I was too late by two minutes.
  5. NWill


    We just bought a house and the seller installed one. Everything tested fine after. It was almost $1,200 IIRC
  6. http://getvera.com/ This is what I use. They use Z-wave sensors so there are a million brands to shop from.
  7. My Dad has the same model but ~10 years older. Very solid saw. Exactly what I wanted and it just happened to be on sale today. Niiiice
  8. NWill

    Moving services

    My parents have used 2 men and they were great for a full day worth of moving. I recently got a quote for about an hour of work and it wasn't worth it after the fees and what not. It was $3-400 for an hour or two.
  9. I needed a new miter saw and stumbled across this deal. $299 regular, on sale for $199 if anyone needs one. http://lowes.com/pd_122210-70-DW715_?productId=1007355
  10. NWill

    Home Automation

    I've been looking at HA controllers and decided on Vera but their reviews are throwing me off. Creston Prodigy - needs programmed by factory. Could be wrong? Control4 - Same as crestron. Less 2nd hand availability. Vera - User friendly. Z-wave compatible. 50/50 reviews/ bad customer service. Cheap.
  11. Image shows up if you right click -> open image. Ouch
  12. NWill


    :fuuuu: :megusta:
  13. NWill

    Oh Lima

    LOL, that's their dorms in the background
  14. There are a few hills at Fishing Access. You can also park there and walk under 270 to sled on York's course - you will most likely have it to yourself.
  15. NWill


    Don't go to Mercer Square or Bryant Park. The new people that bought them are terrible. I had nothing but positive things to say when Live Preferred owned it. If we don't find a house after our lease we will be moving to another one of their properties.
  16. If you're hesitant just throw your money in some safe havens and collect dividends until you feel more comfortable
  17. I'd love to. That said, I just watch charts and go balls out. It has worked fantastically so far. I set my Buddy up with an account, gave him a few tips and he doubled his money (only $1000) in two weeks/trades Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm doing.
  18. Agreed. Might sell both honestly. I'd like to reinvest the larger chunk I have in MU and I feel I've gone far enough with FB
  19. Edit: I'm up 30% in Micron and 86% in FB. Both have about the same profit currently. I'm booking a trip this week....who would you sell?
  20. I didn't and still don't know much. I have, however, quintupled my portfolio this year. I've added money along the way but not near as much as I've gained. I've just watched charts and as they say buy low sell high.
  21. I love the "Be careful," instead of the usual "Hey guyz, this is what happens when 7 deerz run out in front of you!1" Glad you're okay, hope the damage isn't too bad.
  22. Tried two days ago for shipping and it was unavailable. Tried again yesterday and it went through. Shipped two hours later
  23. Taking every cent I could put towards upgrading and putting into my Fidelity account
  24. NWill


    LOL sorry, didn't know that was an issue. I've been hearing about it all over lately, was surprised it wasn't on here yet. I figured for $55, why not. There are worse things I could waste money on.
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