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Everything posted by NWill

  1. Started with this mess http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08/05/c6b05c51c689fb19ac537e7d20b329ab.jpg Here is where I'm at so far http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08/05/36f5b836c9532cabce43936116d97e5b.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08/05/531190ee8455a25b91a06e565dc44c9a.jpg
  2. I picked up a Quanum Nova last week. I got my 7" display and video tx/rx set up yesterday. I'm going to mount it all today and see what happens. I fly over at Perry (Pheonix) as it's a 5min walk.
  3. Agreed. I wrap hair ties around mine just in case. I'm going to make little wire tethers if I can do it cleanly. The guy at Iron Pony said he's heard of 5 dropping phones out of the 750 they've sold. I still don't trust them and I would hate to be one of those 5, and that doesn't count whoever didn't go back and bitch. Edit: He also said the one you have has failed when those little tabs break, luck of the draw I guess. Could be from sun exposure over long term. Who knows, I'd still trust yours over the X-Grip
  4. Thats the stem mount I stole my idea from. I wanted that phone mount but they don't fit my phone with case. Iron Pony only has a few left. Apparently they are getting replaced with the X-Grip.
  5. I didn't have room, till I found this cheap solution from RAM. I think it was $12 or so. Iron pony has them, I got mine from Amazon with a few other things. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/10/46f8f2541961e75d8200694e02cee440.jpg
  6. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/10/fbd1d8440d8b09448a76e54f1e2793bd.jpg It's a little janky but it's rock solid other than a rubber mount to dampen vibration. I'm sure I'll just get a real mount but this works quite well for crap sitting around my garage
  7. I was screwing around with mounting my Gopro. I don't have any room on the bars since I have my X-Grip there. Came up with this....http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/10/ae7482100e678e13e4c9547ea199d6e3.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/10/480cae035344599f8ca537e5234ee99b.jpg Just gotta figure out the actual mounting bracket to the GoPro. I'll see when the mail shows up with it any minute. If all else fails, I'll loctite a 1" drawer knob on the top to be used with RAM mounting gear
  8. Spray the crap out of it with WD40, wait 5 minutes. Wipe away or power wash
  9. I saw the free replacement. I was too late though. I'll let you know thanks
  10. I'll check them out. Thanks!
  11. Any suggestions on making this look like 1 car again? Not looking for perfect by any stretch. Just want to be to able to park in driveway without looking like junkyard. Anyone want to throw me a rough quote? http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/05/20/23837fa3075a89e8aed2556bf19e5811.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/05/20/b0ddbe76edd0127fb6f5ca42c0752c39.jpg
  12. NWill

    Argon Cylinders

    Me too, it's a convenient location for me as well since I regularly drive across Columbus on 70 for work. It makes it easy to stop there on my weekly Research Alloys trip. Tinman, BTW, do you remember someone dropping off a 2JZ intake manifold years ago to screw around with intake manifold designs? Just wondering haha.
  13. NWill

    Argon Cylinders

    Thanks! I ended up picking one up from Praxair before you posted. Pic is sideways but you get the idea. FINALLY. I've had this thing for 6 years and just turned it on for the first time today. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=927&pictureid=8021
  14. NWill

    Argon Cylinders

    Update. Praxair on Greenlawn. $185 tank, $44.68 argon. Free first fill so $198.88 OTD. COOL
  15. NWill

    Argon Cylinders

    Does anyone know a good place to get cylinders these days? For an 80 size... Matheson wants $209 + $60 to fill Central Ohio Welding wants $275 + $41 Delile wants $248 + $38 Praxair wants $183 + $45 and the guy said first fill MIGHT be free but varies by location. Either way, I expected much more. Service Welding (Newark) wants $179 + $41 I didn't expect prices to vary this much, glad I didn't just buy one.
  16. They turned the flywheel off my supra years ago. I never noticed any problems.
  17. It turns out it was just the filter. Expensive mistake, lesson learned. Thanks guys and gals
  18. Do you have any friends with woodworking tools? I based mine on a $500 MDF vanity from Lowe's. I spent around $100 and made it with real wood.
  19. +1, I need a sub panel hooked up in garage if you find someone
  20. I'll try that, Thanks! The pump is less than a year old. I've checked outside, all good there. I understand why you've been bitching about them. So let me get this straight... Hey, we're going to install an efficient heat pump for you, they are great till about 20 degrees. Oh? it gets well below zero? No problem, you'll just have $500 electric bills or freeze. kthnx
  21. Yeah I get what you're saying. Crap. So the chance of the thermostat needing replaced is slim. Was hoping for the easy fix. Thanks for the response!
  22. I received my electric bill last night and about lost my shit. It was more than double last months. My heat was acting up last few weeks, so my dumb ass switched over to "Em Heat." I didn't think much of it - huge fucking oops. After I got my bill last night, I switched over to regular heat and the house is 51 degrees this morning. I have it set to 62 degrees. Changing the thermostat temp does nothing. On Em Heat, the heat keeps up with thermostat setting like normal. When I turn over to regular Heat, it switches over to AUX (defrosting heat pump??) and does nothing. It's making noise and air is coming out, but not heating anything. Suggestions?? -All electric -Temp set to 62, currently 51 and dropping -Outdoor unit is spinning -No breakers trippped -Air is coming out of vents -Aux Heat is on constantly -Trane equipment, all new in 2014 -$436 bill on 1450 sq.ft. and set at 62 degrees.
  23. I have Direct TV and lost signal once. It was for maybe 20-30 seconds. No complaints here
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