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Posts posted by Chadz89GTA

  1. Just be patient, there are 5-6k f-bods that arent beat to shit and back but they aren't as plentiful as the stangs are around here. Just keep lookin on the semi local boards, DFBA.org srdayton.com etc.. dude just siold one that had a rebuilt motor and few other thigns for 5k flat, DAMN fine car too
  2. Ever been inside? A lot of the building is closed off. Also the biggest part of the complex is the yard. You can only really get into 3 of the cell blocks. Only the first floor of the Max security area. And when there is really only a hand full of "hot spots," people tend to set up camp there and not move all night long.


    I've been all over that place, it never used to be locked up and when I was yo0unger right after it cloed me and my friends use to explore, I don't see anything small about it.

  3. For a V8 swap you'd need the tranny crossmember I believe, and the front suspension parts from a V8 car, other then that if you go carb it's just drop it in and bolt the thing up. A good website for you to research this on before you sgtart buying parts for someone on here to swap it is thirdgen.org they know EVERYTHING you can do that car as it's been done 100000x over. And as for 614 saying to start with a V8 car for a 350 swap, BAH!! V6 car for the lower insurance man ;)
  4. Moundsville Penn, it's open now I believe just google for it and you should be able to find a website containing the information. Located in Moundsville, WV 26041 about 2 hr drive from Columbus but well worth it if you tour the penn or just wanna go through th haunted house they have there. :)
  5. All the Buick guys that posted in here need to go fuck themselves, F-Body fo lyfe yo, Gayville and the other Buick guy need to get together and have the gay man buttsecks for owning family cars and trying to be HARD! Stupid fucking creepy fags..
  6. yea gotta love the west virginia look... is hould be driving a chevy with a look like that.... and here comes some more shit talking lol...... i love it... lol


    Negative rep for you sir, I live in West Va. and I certainly don't look like that -=P

  7. Just wondering why you went to all that trouble of swapping out a 106hp engine for a 140hp one. Did you need that extra 34 ponies to push those gigantic show wheels? The car looks clean I'll give you that, but meh.


    Best part about your comment is you obviously couldn't make your SVX make more power so you bought a F-Body, maybe you should have bought a Mustang as the attitude you have matches that of a Mustang owner.... +1 to the op, don't listen to the idiots on here that think there hot shit since they finally purchased something that actually MAKES power...

  8. Yes, it's 5x4.75, you do NOT want 5x120, that's a BMW size. Look on tech for the results of MANY who tried BMW wheels and the carnage that ensues.


    5x 4.75 = 5x120.65 the .65 WILL fuck your studs up AND break them. Sure they bolt on the 1st time, but they WILL break and it's not safe, ask me how I kno.....

  9. They aren't wood screws. They're drywall screws for steel-frame houses. They have self-drilling tips instead of self-tapping.


    After fucking up the door sills, the rockers, the A and B pillars and all the body panels, I'd say they owe him a new car.


    Damn, I'm sorry no one wiki'd that earlier, thanks very much for clearing that up... I thought they were screws that held subs in sub boxes???? http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/rolleyes008.gif

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