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Posts posted by Chadz89GTA

  1. hahahaha.....funny guy eh?


    and sorry that i got into ONE accident with ONE of my cars which is now FIXED. and wasnt really all that BAD of a wreck. it just cost ALOT of money :D


    As I said, stop trying to welcome newbs in the Oven unless you can actually type something funny, please stick to trashing your GTSLOW's and yes, TSLOWS proof:

  2. no seriously....like what your into. you know guys/girls/horses/etc.?????


    I think he's into keeping his cars in one piece, unlike yours which you have totally trashed. If your going to bash on people please do so with comments that are atleast funny, until then stick to trashing high powered vehicles.


    As for the new guy, Hi! My brother use to live in Dayton so I know of the rice scene you speak of ;)

  3. I have a 2003 Tiburon v6 with many mods (For Sale)


    A 2007 Chevy Trailblazer (company car)


    1999 Explorer (winter beater)


    and a 2001 honda cbr 929rr



    I'm hoping to sell the Tiburon for a 2004 s2000



    Pictures of your cars or this intro will fail horribly.

  4. Buy the off-road pipe for $100 and then have John Rutan tune it for a nominal fee.


    Or just punch the cat out, then have John tune it.



    Doesn't need a COMPLETE tune if thats all he's doing. All you need is the Rear O2's to not report, while your at it get the EGR and AIR systems deleted also.

  5. Wait a year til the wiring starts taking a shit on you. In the end your going to be putting alot more then what you think into thsi car as now as everyone has said it's fucked. I had a 89 GTA that got wet when I left the t-tops out overnight, guess what it ran fine for a few months then POW! The harness started corroding like hell. Do yourself a favor and junk the car, buy a donor car and place your new shit in it. Sucks to hear but unless you want to start doing little shit everytime you turn around your fucked.


    Edit: When I say the GTA was wet I mean about 2-3 inches of water on the floorboard.

  6. The signal messes with some routers and cuases them to drop connections, this is a known problem with Belkin routers. I see people return them everyday due to shit like this. Do yourself a favor and go buy a Linksys WRT54G.
  7. Make sure you have all the updates for Vista, SP1 etc. Also gtype in what it's doing in Google and you will get linked to multiple message boards that should have it figured out, Vista is still far buggier then XP as it's newer and just like any new OS it's gunna be buggy. And for all the FireCrap users, IE IS FTMFW!
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