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Posts posted by Chadz89GTA

  1. Two words for you, undercover cops.


    Keep your nose in your own business, no one on here cares for you. All you do is bitch. Please goto SRD where that is welcomed, this is CR and you are a toolbag. That is all.

    • Confused 1
  2. an american v6 TURD.


    Your car is an import pos, no one cares. Please get off your pedestal thinking your import with a GAS SIPPING motor is badass, UPDATE: NO ONE GIVS A FUCK ABOUT MPG'S!! Every post you've made that I've read has been bullshit, take your lil turbo gas sipping import pos elsewhere, if your gunna threadcrap you need to learn how instead of posting useless babble.



  3. all i meant to say was with the extra money i spend to mod, you spend in gas. that is all.


    I'll bet I can match your highway mileage. Mine actually isn';t that bad, but I;m sorry that once I put my foot down to make good power my mileage goes down, thats usually the case in anything V8 or higher, as I can drive like a jackass in my Bronco II and get the same mileage as when I'm conserving. You'd be surprised at the mileage these LS1's can get if you mod them and treat them accordingly, but then again that would make me drive around town like the worlds biggest vagina and what fun is that? My point is if I wanted to get good MPG's I would have bought a moped, but I wanted power and mullet-ness so I got best money to mod car I could find in my price range. If you wanna get technical I have 2x 4cyl's under my hood, so in a sense I should get 2 times less your MPG's right? :)

  4. um... you can't read or...



    i wish that were my dyno. mine is still in the 200 range.



    You want a cookie? You have to pay to play. I don't bitch about gas prices and never have, I enjoy burning gas in my gas guzzler everyday and getting 20-22mpg avg. I'm sorry it's not a 4cyl turbo'd machine! But hey, as soon as I purchased it I grew a mullet.

  5. Wow, the amount of fail in this thread is epic. EM1 2ENVY get your panties outta your ass, I believe he was just trying to get people to post in here. I see nothing wrong with his idea of modding a car that will be faster with less money then a Civic.


    Enough bitching, +1 on the car you can never have enough V8's on CR even if it's a MOOStang ;)

  6. Your Optima might have taken a shit, just becuase it's an Optima doesn't make it better. My buddy went through 3 redtops before he got one that wouldn't lose a charge, and this was on his stock Honda that sees no mods just mpg happiness.
  7. bump----- I daily drive a 346 with a bigger cam!


    Yes but what all else did you have to change to make it work, I'm not worried about getting it tuned, I'm worried about getting into something and having more money into it then I anticipated :)


    Sorry for the of-topic, BUMP!

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