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Everything posted by cinergi

  1. +1,000,000,000 rep for Arizona. I can't give Coleman any less rep than I already have. It seems him and I are polar opposites. He didn't want the NRA convention here and now he wants illegals here to help tax our already over-burdened social programs. I have seen him in person on more than a few occassions and I have mentioned my disdain for his policies. I have never gotten a response from the man. He just looks at me. Oh well, he will be gone sooner or later.
  2. I will take 2 of the medium or large t-shirts.
  3. Sorry, I never finished the story... I was on my phone and it was acting up. I ended up having to give my infamous "here's how to use a semi-auto" speech. He still didn't seem comfortable with it since he was used to revolvers. He asked me to shoot a round for him so he could see how it worked. I obliged and the gun blew up in my hand. I checked for a squib, double charge, etc. None such luck!! Later sent it off for SAAMI testing when I was in the gun industry and found out that the barrel was less than 8,000 in it's strongest points and a little over 2,000 in its weakest. I am lucky I still have a hand to shoot with. Needless to say, I am *NOT* a fan of these guns and most likely never will be. To each their own, but I buy and own things that do NOT blow up in my hand.
  4. You have to be careful that the previous owners haven't beat the piss out of it. I have had three wrx's and have had only one problem out of all of them and that was an oil line to the turbo, which was a $60 part. Other than that I am a huge fan of daily driving them. Just make sure you don't have a lightened flywheel or 6 puck clutch and you will be good to go.
  5. I just got rid of mine. I'm much happier now.
  6. lol... I need to solve some traction issues first.
  7. cinergi

    Paypal rant....

    Call into paypal and give them the tracking number for the item and they should release the funds. It's worth a try.
  8. I believe the Bradford at Easton does, too.
  9. Incident: (I believe this was mid-2001-sounds like quality has gotten better since then.) I wa out on my buddies property shooting my Wilson and he decided he wanted a handgun. So, we go to Vance's and look. I urge him to at a minimum get a Taurus, but he is a stubborn old man. Long story story short, he ended up taking a High Point home to my dismay. I tell him how badly it disappoints me, etc, etc. Well, he didn't buy any ammo and I was shooting two Sig 9's, so I left him use that ammo- he had purchased the HP 9 obviously.
  10. Hmm... listening now and lots of silence.
  11. We think the same. Wait til you see the Sentra. I need that turbo!
  12. We could always auction the stuff off, too. Equipment always does VERY well. Can't really talk about it, yet. I should have my sponsorship tomorrow.
  13. Yeah, they're still there. I was wrong, they are definitely MRAPs. I wonder why they have been parked there for so long.
  14. Stealth rear-mount intercooler!! I need to get the rotors fixed on it first. Been too busy with these auctions for any spare time. I should be able to get it done tomorrow or Tues. I can't wait, I am getting sick of driving this Neon.
  15. Tom, get ahold of me and I will see what I can do. 614.360.1584
  16. Depending on how much power you want to push, an amp might be a good idea. PM or post up with your end goals are and I will try to help you. A friend of mine is closing down an audio store so I might be able to get you some terrific deals. What is your budget?
  17. Wow Doc, that is absolutely amazing!! Talk about SQ, that is incredible!! What are you looking for out of that? I have some super sweet MB's that would love to sing off that. That is of course if the original poster isn't interested.
  18. Probably 175$ for the Cerwins and $250ish for the Polks. Those Cerwins are 12's and will get loud and stay clear with the right receiver. The Polks will sound great with anything and have 6" subs. Clarity is the key with both.
  19. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a32_1185179781 <--- pictures of the "squid"? I don't pay much attention to her, so I probably missed it.
  20. I really don't need it or I would offer. I bet we could find you a buyer, though.
  21. I guessed the same thing. Shows how much attentioned I paid to it.
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