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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cgi-bin/personals.cgi?category=rnr
  2. There are a whole bunch of them just on the first Rants and Raves page. What the hell is wrong with people?
  3. Looks like his 'mad tyte' drifting/ability to catch the car on fire skills got the best of him. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a281/SeanxX04_Chavez/IMG00295.jpg http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a281/SeanxX04_Chavez/IMG00309.jpg http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a281/SeanxX04_Chavez/IMG00305.jpg
  4. Went last weekend and had a pretty good time. The lanes were packed though and we sat around for a bit. But nothing like shooting off the .54 muzzle loader while the guy in the lane adjacent to us shot off a .22 I like that range though and you can't beat the price. New Albany raped us when we went there for my 21st. 20 some odd dollars a range, christ.
  5. This thread is just getting better and better. True story.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS9bipD5tes Hopefully this isn't a repost. Enjoy.
  7. Just got back from some fun in the snow. Dreading going to work in the morning, knowing how people freak out at the slightest weather change.
  8. Yes. But Jesus that car has quite the backround. Not to sound morbid or anything, but are there any bullet holes from the whole.. incident? That would really trip me out, I think even more than stained carpets. But that's just me.
  9. If I can get brake work done on the SVT in time I should be making a round.
  10. I can't remember where but awhile back there was a place that would set up fake business trips with fake hotel numbers and what not for people looking for a little, 'on the side fun'. So if the husband/wife called it would be a mock hotel and what not. It was really in depth as well. Fucking horrible. I'll try to find the link.
  11. Yes, it's caught me off guard a number of times. Dick. As far as the video goes I think everything was handled extremely professionally. How many times must one ask to, 'put your hands behind your back'. I may not be an officer like DragKnee but always been a goal. With a year and a half of law enforcement classes under my belt it seems from all the videos, as they are resisting is the time they start yelling about how they aren't or how they aren't doing anything. Classic and very well handled. I may be no expert nor am I in the field everyday but that's just my .02.
  12. HA! That got me to bust out pretty good.
  13. I have a Borla catback exhaust on mine. To be 100% honest, I like how it sounds in stock trim ten fold over the Borla.
  14. Welcome to the wonderfully slow world of CSVTS. I rock a 2000 SVT occasionally. I love cruising in the car, it really is a blast to drive. Corners like a champ, and it's always fun hearing the secondaires opening up. Only wish it put down more power. They take eons to top out, no road is long enough I swear. Congrats with your purchase!
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