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Everything posted by Nate1647545505

  1. Brady, what software are you using? Curious if Ford has gone way of system response curves or are they sneaking by with tables. Would be awesome to see a few screen shots
  2. Extremely bad ass. Would love to hear more on this.
  3. What's normally done with the NA-T engine control wise, AEM box?
  4. You aren't thinking of going compond...?
  5. Thanks guys, I had mentioned about going NA-T, but wasn't sure of the power limitations.
  6. Have a friend deployed overseas that contacted me about the idea of a 2J swap. I don't know much about it, so I figured someone on here would be kind enough to note some key points.
  7. Are there any brands (rails,equipement,accessories) you would like to see? Any gripes about current gear? Difficult products you'd like to see in stock?
  8. We had tossed around the idea of making the range more of a club, there would be an application, criminal and credit check. I suppose we could look into having the store membership based, but that would create alot of headaches and possibly drive away alot of customers. Thanks for feed back everyone, we are all ears.
  9. You're OCIE will be a shot of yeager, a 1911, and a cleaning rod. We'll make you meaner then a DNR officer.
  10. Negative, I'll PM my new cell.
  11. Thanks for the support guys. I'm still in the military, this is mainly his egg for now. We've been talking about pricing - and both of us being gun nuts - we agreed to keep it low as possible. As far as location, I can't imagine it would be anywhere other then Columbus, but he's still looking for retail/store space. We're working on getting some partners and vendor accounts with Alexander, Adam's, Osprey, Daniel Defense, etc. Would love to hear some feedback on: What do you wish your local gun shop had? What do you love/hate about your current gun shop?
  12. My brother and I just finished the paperwork for our LLC dealing with all sorts of things that go boom. We have some future plans to get into manufacturing, but as of now we are going to start off in the FFL/Tacticoool store area. If we can find the land, we're honostly thinking of creating a range in in the 500-1000m length. He's already an FFL so feel free to get ahold of us (him). Apologize for the randomness, just pumped
  13. Hondata might have some "valet" tune capability where it will tighten the rev and speed limiters - even cut out FP activition or injector pulse completely (everything zeroed)
  14. I'm honostly not concerned about the weight, as I'm not planning on humping this rifle any long distances. The main feature I like is the adjustable cheek rest, my duct taped pad on my synthetic feels like 50$ tires on a 150,000$ sports car. JAE, Troy's and the Sage all come out to within 50-75$ when everything is considered price wise.
  15. Most are prolific or keyspan based: http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?id=31 http://www.tripplite.com/en/support/downloads/index.cfm?txtArchive=0&txtLang=&txtOS=
  16. Any thoughts? Strongly considering to add to the build when we change out barrels this year. Looks solid, but can't seem to find anyone local who is a vendor or stocks one.
  17. For shits and giggles: Product page: http://aeromotiveinc.com/products-page/fuel-pumps/11104-eliminator-fuel-pump/ Flow chart: http://i56.tinypic.com/4fzk85.jpg
  18. From Aeromotives product page: http://aeromotiveinc.com/products-page/fuel-pumps/11101-a1000-fuel-pump/ http://i54.tinypic.com/2m2hro5.jpg So your rail pressure at max is going to be intake manifold pressure + base FP,landing you somewhere in the 60-70psi range. As you can see, @ 13.5V the A1000 won't be able to supply 954lb/min in the 60-70psi area.
  19. Rock on. Let's start: We'll average a best/worst case conditions: A) best case 10HP is produced from 1lb-min of air 15% DT loss 1000whp * 1.15% DT loss / 10 hp per lb-min= 115lb-min Air Req b) worst case 9HP is produced from 1lb-min of air 18% DT loss 1000whp * 1.18 DT loss / 9 hp per lb-min = 131lb-min Air Req Averaged, that's an air req of 123lb/min to produce 1000WHP. We now have a starting point of air mass, all we need to do is calculate fuel mass. If you re-arrange Air / Fuel = Ratio, you can determine Fuel = Air / Ratio. We need an air to fuel ratio before we can continue. We know that E85 has a stoic of ~9.8, and we'll pick a safe lambda of .79 (roughly 11.5:1 on a regular gas). Our ratio would then be 9.8 * .79, or 7.74 parts of air to 1 part fuel, 7.74:1 AFR. Plug and chug, 123lb-min air / 7.74 air/fuel ratio = 15.89lb/min of fuel req. Since everything in the fuel world is generally done in pounds per hour, convert by multiplying by 60: ~ 954lb/hr of fuel req. Finally, to convert to volume flow, you need the mass per volume. For E85 (and gas), that's roughly 6.5 lbs per 1 gallon. So, 954lb-hr / 6.5lb-gal equates to ~147 US Gal / hr. Converted to LPH, ~557LPH.
  20. How about we chug some numbers and find out what your fuel demands really are? What kind of pressure do you plan on running? Boost? 1:1 Regulator? DT loss?
  21. Sneak peak: http://www.ea.com/battlefield3/videos/gameplay-debut Looks like the game is going to based on OIF and the push to Bahgdad.
  22. Our SOP designates SOFT-T's or CAT's on all four limbs once we get in country.
  23. security control module. we were able to short the crank/run relay and the starter relay and it was enough to get the car to start and drove to the dealer.
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