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Everything posted by Nate1647545505

  1. Give me a month to grow the beard and some hair gel for the fro - I should be able to match that singer's awesomeness.
  2. A very well stated point. Didn't even cross my mind.
  3. Interesting - can you share the sizing of the twins?
  4. Stop welding and start partying old man.
  5. I'm not going to run in the war room, but I'll just chime in; I lost alot of respect for Obama during the debates with Mrs. Clinton.
  6. Does he fight Muslim extremists and dodge IEDs in this one??
  7. Who do you think collected the weapons afterwords?
  8. That depends on if that whip has the proto I6 twin turbo build...
  9. I'm suprised Kaliforniaya outlowed .50 but allows .338 and .408
  10. Interesting clip Scott, they must have had some walls to punch through P.S. Here's abit about .338 for those interested: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/1966/tajectoryyt3.gif http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5979/driftxx3.gif http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/8430/energyzr4.gif Cliffs: This caliber/ammunition at 800-850 yards will liiterally hit with 1 ton+ of force - and speed around 1960 ft / sec - 1136 miles/hr, just shy of mach 2.....
  11. I have no doubts in your abilities, but you may want to look at an instructional course or books that detail the many factors that go into long range shots. The Marine Scout/Sniper manual, and U.S. Army's FM-2310 field manual cover a decent amount of said material. What it comes down to is: How big is/are your target(s)? What does the bullet have to penetrate? How precise do you want do you want your shot groupings to be? Answer those and you have an idea of caliber, ammo, and optics.
  12. Max effectives are like peak horsepower . I have nothing against .223/5.56 but you won't find many shooters chosing it for shots further then 300m, however the caliber does shine in urban enviroments where over penetration is a concern.
  13. 700 yards on a perfect day with no wind, very precise rifle, and an act of jesus/allah/tom cruise. .223 is a very light round. Even if you can go large (90 grain?) on the cartridge, it will still be moved around by the wind with a tendancy to tumble. If you are shooting people, that's a good thing, however making a precise group of shots with such low energy at that distance will be tough. Go .308, .300WM, or .338 - all have the energy and mass for what you want.
  14. http://cheytac.com/AM200C-Set-Up.gif If you want to land hits on personnel at long range [mile(s)]...drop 10,000$+ on this bad boy. The PDA & Software will take care of most of the work for you, but not all.
  15. 1 MOA @ 100 yards...ok 10 MOA @ 1000 yards....hope your spotter can see the vapor trail 20 MOA @ 2000 yards.......Hope your target is atleast 20"x20" 30 MOA @ 3000 yards...................http://smiliesftw.com/x/ughusd.gif
  16. Have any of you looked at the MOA on the Barretts? Not exactly what you want if you shooting at your standard military qualifying silhouette. The TAC .50 would be more suited for the application, where a Barrett with AP or SLAP would be wise for long range light armor shooting. If you want reliable and long range effective - Tac Ops 700P package. .25 MOA, classic 700 action, around 1600$ + rifle. You won't find many rifles with that kind of MOA / $. Call Tac Ops, talk to Mike. He know's his shit (taking off the shelf rifles in the 1/2" MOA rating and guaranteeing 1/4" MOA when finished requires more then luck) Not to be offensive about the topic, but have you shot from 800-1000m before? That's no stone throw, and .308 isn't exactly cheap. You might want to start with something cheap to operate to focus on breathing technique,form,etc.
  17. http://www.firstdefense.com/html/Ballistic_threat_Levels.gif booooyah
  18. http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/TEE_ALLU/SLE555~555-A-Lesser-Evil-Posters.jpg
  19. http://www.mooneyham-blowers.com/mooneyham_554.jpg
  20. http://www.tf116.org/images/collectibles/patch_RivDiv553_lg.jpg
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