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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Agreed. If Auburn wins, I think they will have a groundswell of support to make a case for #2 (and, hell, even #1), especially considering the media love-fest for the SEC. I'm not saying they will (or should) jump Ohio State, but there will definitely be enough conversation about it to make me worry.
  2. I won't hold your feet to the fire, but obviously I did have a pretty good idea of what was going to happen in that particular rivalry game. So let's stop discrediting my fairly accurate prediction by chalking it up to "rivalry chaos."
  3. I think I did the exact same thing when Hyde fumbled
  4. Maybe you should just say you're drunk.
  5. Steve, you know I like you, but fuck you can be a dick.
  6. Be glad you ignored my request for a wager. Clemson 17 S. Carolina 31
  7. I think it's awesome when USC and UCLA both play in home jerseys. Wish more teams would do that. Oregon and Oregon State did it last night and it looked great.
  8. DJ, I remember you saying that - I can vouch for you, homie. Ohio State will descend upon Indy like a great wave of scarlet and cash. Can't wait for Winston to get charged with rape around Dec. 17 and FSU gets to play us with a backup.
  9. Holy fuuuuuuck Cynic says: can't wait for auburn and Alabama to both be ranked higher that Ohio State in polls: 1 Florida state 2 auburn 3 Alabama 4 Ohio state
  10. Roby was fine, if not good, today. He ran down 2 guys from waaaaay behind. He should have had an INT. He recovered the onside kick. He was one of the few guys on defense that actually showed up. Josh, I was telling my wife the same thing about the 2 point try to end the game. I agree with DJ - absolutely the best call for Hoke to make. Michigan had no chance in OT. Remember their kicker was out, not to mention how they couldn't stop Ohio State to save their lives. Michigan couldn't have played much better. Ohio State couldn't have played much worse. Lots of mistakes, missed assignments, missed tackles, etc. Yet we won and they lost. That is saying something. That said, the OSU team I saw play today would get curb stomped by FSU or Bama. Thankfully today wasnt our bowl game. I'm now officially worried about Michigan State. And as I'm typing all this Bama just scored 99 yard pass play to take lead 28-21. Fuck.
  11. If I am some super stud that plays football - and I am, I just don't play football - then I'm not going to Ohio State or Notre Dame because I don't want to live and play in cold weather. Fuck the cold, dude. People that say "Hey, that's football weather" when it's below 40 degrees out are just trying to avoid cognitive dissonance.
  12. LJ I'm with you on Wilson. I can't wait to see him unleashed on the fast track in Indy. Michigan likes to think its a top 5 coaching job. It's not. It's maybe a top 10. Maybe.
  13. For there to be a "rivalry," both teams have to win at least some of the time. I don't want Ohio State to lose to anyone, ever. This includes Michigan. If this then means the end of the "rivalry," then so be it. I will wipe my tears shed for a dead rivalry with B1G championship banners.
  14. No comments? I'll leave one: my delts have been looking amazing lately. As for the video, well, I liked it. Impressive that they got all those guys to do poke fun at themselves.
  15. And don't forget 90 minutes of electronica.
  16. For that price for that much of a TV, LG can log all the shit they want about me. What the fuck do I care if they know what I watch? With my huge ass baller TV, so will my neighbors by virtue of just looking through my window.
  17. DJ, yeah, those quotes from the anonymous "player" seem contrived to me, like someone just wanting to fuck with us. I'm not buying it.
  18. Question: is this year's defense better than the defense from the 2006 Ohio State team?
  19. IIRC, Miami was at least an 11 point favorite over Ohio State in 2002. I am fairly sure it was the largest spread in the history of a title game up to that point, and maybe still? I forget how much of a favorite Ohio State was in 2006 and 2007, but I remember that the 2006 squad was not only favored by a bunch, but people were talking about them being the best college football team of all of time. Remember, going into that game we had already beaten the #2 in the nation twice that year - Texas and Michigan - and I think when we played Iowa that year they were ranked somewhere between #15-#19. Talk about an impressive resume. Too bad we laid a fucking egg against Florida. Horrific.
  20. Another thing to consider is that Urban has a great track record coaching in bowl games and against SEC teams (i.e., teams with fast, athletic defenses). I think sometimes we forget how good of a coach he is. And we know he's great at getting a team ready when they are the major underdog (see Florida, 2006). We'd, of course, be a huge underdog against either Bama or FSU, and I think he'd use that as all kinds of motivation. I don't want to come across as too much of an OSU/Urban fan boi (even though I am), as it's not like I wouldn't be worried to play Bama or FSU. Would I rather play, say, Indiana for the NC? Of course. I'm just saying that I like our chances against anyone at this point. So, yeah, put us in NCG and let's see what happens.
  21. +1 And to add to that, a defense always seems to get better with a layoff. I think it's because the time off gives a defense time to get healthy and rested - and thus they get faster, more energized, etc. - and it also gives them time to study film, get their assignments down, etc. So, if defense is our weakness (and it has been), then a month-long layoff to get well and study up on one opponent would be just what the doctor ordered.
  22. BTW, worse case scenario if we win against Michigan is a BCS bowl. You know we'll get an at-large bid even if we lose to MSU.
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