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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Agreed - i really liked how our offense played. Hope there is no let down for next week. Those gifs are awesome. I remember the debacle in 1994 - black socks and all. I watched that game live and in horror. That Penn State team was great, though - they got shafted out of a NC, IMO.
  2. Ask a random college football fan - or even any Ohio State fan - to name dominant defenses over the past 15 to 20 years in college football, I bet Ohio State's name doesn't even crack the top 5. Rather, you'd get USC, Alabama, and LSU (from past decade) and Florida State and Nebraska (from the mid-1990s). While I don't have the numbers, I'm willing to bet Ohio State is statistically right up there. That's why I don't think they get the respect they deserve - because they aren't ever thrown in the discussion about great defenses when they should be.
  3. I'm astounded at how anyone can defend anything the bikers did. It's infuriating to me.
  4. I've always said (whined?) that Ohio State never got the credit it deserved for having such a solid defense for so many years under Tressel/Dantonio. People used to bitch and complain about how boring Ohio State's offense was for so many of those years, but always neglected to point out that when your defense was as good as ours, 20 to 24 points from your offense is more than enough to win a ton of games.
  5. No one I knew had any interest in playing a 6-6 Florida squad. I surely didn't. Everything to lose in that game: a bowl loss, another loss to Florida, another loss to an SEC squad, and risk pissing off NCAA because you aren't self-imposing. And nothing really to win: even if you win, it's a meaningless bowl, and no you can't beat your chest because everyone will laugh and say all you managed to do was beat one of the worst SEC teams in recent memory. That makes sense about why Gene is still around. I'm convinced he and the President knew about Tattoo-gate and just made Tressel take the fall for it.
  6. I'm holding Gene Smith responsible for us not playing Notre Dame for the NC last year. We should have self-imposed a bowl ban. If they added another year, then so be-it.
  7. Florida State's defense looks ridiculous.
  8. Ugly chick with a nice boob job.
  9. Usually just one or the other suffices - doing both would be overkill and just showing off.
  10. Was that the same game where Troy Smith went all kinds of beast mode - like his coming out party? I think that was the 2004 game. If so, then I was at that game.
  11. Teams I hate: Wisconsin Purdue Florida South Carolina USC LSU everyone else in SEC Michigan Notre Dame Teams I oddly don't hate: Michigan State (despite 1998) Iowa Northwestern Texas Oklahoma Florida State Miami Teams I secretly like: Oregon Nebraska
  12. Stupid fucking Purdue. I hate them slightly less than Wisconsin and most teams in the SEC.
  13. Not sure if serious? If so, no, I haven't, but can only imagine that, if I did, it would only solidify my growing dislike.
  14. The more I see C7s, the more I like C6Z's. I didn't want it to be that way, but that's the way it's shaking out for me.
  15. Sounds like a potential upset. Especially considering that everyone has now essentially given Ohio State a free ride to the Michigan game.
  16. P.S. I love how people like D. Wiggs take 14 years and $2.5 million dollars and still can't get a vid of a project car driving under its own power and yet you have people like Sam who build a car in a weekend and have vids of it driving down the street.
  17. Can you repost pics and make them bigger? I can't see the other side of the universe quite yet in a few of them.
  18. Ohio State is getting jumped this week by the winner of Clemson/FSU. If it's a blow out, then the pollsters will clamor: "OMG HOLY FUCK SEE HOW GOOD THEY ARE THEY JUST DESTROYED THEM!" Even worse, if it's a close game, the pollsters will clamor: "INSTANT FUCKING CLASSIC RIGHT THERE, TWO POWERHOUSE TEAMS GOING AT IT. THE WINNER IS SOOOOOO GOOD TO BEAT THAT OTHER REALLY GREAT TEAM IN THIS ULTRA CLOSE GAME!" Ohio State can help its cause by putting a beat down on everyone they play. However, if you're squeaking by teams, then you deserve to get passed by.
  19. Upset bug all over the place today. Glad Ohio state had this week off.
  20. LOL Georgia. Wait, I'm sure it's because of all Georgia's injuries and the fact that it's the SEC. Georgia will probably remain in the top 10. LOL Oklahoma Oklahoma's quarterback would probably be a backup at Groveport Madison. LOL Arkansas I hope Bret's enjoying his decision to move to the SEC. Fatass.
  21. Yeah, it should totally be a night game. They should have switched that shit. They play at the same field that the Seahawks play at?
  22. Alabama will lose. They aren't that good. Oregon/Stanford will lose. They play each other. FSU/Clemson will lose. They play each other. Who cares about Louisville. With Ohio State, and not caring about Louisville, that leaves three undefeated teams: either FSU/Clemson and Oregon/Stanford. FSU could easily get beat by Florida. Clemson could easily lose to South Carolina. Washington might beat Oregon this weekend.
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